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This is my interview with theleadingman

They have 754 followers at the moment and 4 published works including Butterfly which is a Gawsten and Crazy + Genuis which is a Ryden with 2k reads.

1. Why did you decide to first make your Wattpad account?

It's kinda funny. I started my Wattpad account when I was deep (and I mean DEEP) into my Michael Jackson phase. I made the account because some of my fav MJ YouTubers had Wattpad, and I wanted to read those 'X Reader' fanfics :)

2. You write about a variety of ships. Do you have a favorite one?

It's gotta be Frerard or Gawsten. Frerard just has such a cute dynamic, and Gawsten is just so much purity, it kills me lol :)

3. Do you have any other ships you enjoy but haven't written about yet?

Probably Phan? I mean, Phan gets featured in almost all of my books, yet I haven't written a 100% Phanfic yet. Also maybe Petekey or Peterick.

4. When you write do you have any certain music or playlist you listen to while doing so?

Green Day. I blast Green Day while doing absolutely anything: writing, editing, making book covers, etc. They're just such a great band and my inspiration with everything.

5. Do you have any pet peeves concerning Wattpad or things you dislike about posting on here?

Maybe the fans sometimes? Because some of us are really awful at times (especially the Brendon Slurie apologists) when it comes to things like ships and artists doing bad things. They like to pretend like these artists can do no wrong, when they really aren't like that.

6. Where do you get your inspiration to write from?

Probably all of the celebs I love and admire. I mean, they've been through so much, they inspire me a LOT. So, people like Billie Joe Armstrong, Thomas Sanders, Ryan Ross, Gerard Way, etc.

7. How do you juggle writing and your personal life?

I have to juggle a lot of things along with writing. I mean, I'm mildly famous on a certain aspect of stan Twitter, so I cosplay and write poems, I write fanfic, and I have a podcast. I mostly try to take as many breaks as I can, as I want to make sure that what I'm doing doesn't feel too much like 'work', otherwise I might begin to hate it.

8. If you could go back in time and do something differently on Wattpad what would it be?

Probably not be such a Rydennie. I was one of those annoying fans that literally spammed the artists about the ship back when I was 13, and I hate the Ember that I was back then compared to me now.

9. What story are you most proud of that is currently published?

Either Butterfly or Crazy + Genius. Although my love of Crazy + Genius has diminished quite a bit (all the Brendon stuff kinda stained the book tbh) it was still the first novel I ever wrote and the first book I ever entered in the Wattys (yayyyy) so I can't hate it. But Butterfly...Butterfly is just one of my best works, it just feels like such a better book.

10. What has been your best moment on Wattpad so far?

Probably meeting my two best friends StrawberryCyanide_  and LiterallyKezia. They're some of my best friends in the whole wide world and I love them to hell and back.

Thanks for the questions! Have a good day :)

I hope you enjoyed my interview with the lovely theleadingman

Don't forget to comment suggestions for other authors I should feature next.

Love you all xxx

- starr

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