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This is my interview with vampirexchild

They have 1.51k followers at the moment and 14 published works including I'm There, Baby which is a Frerard that has 70k reads.

1. You have been on this site for two years according to your page. Have you been actively writing this entire time and if so do you still enjoy it as much as you did when you started?

Well, when I first downloaded the Wattpad app, it was with the intention of writing actually and I didn't expect to get any reads or followers, it was just for the thrill of writing something.

I have been writing since then, although they were all very bad original stories that weren't very planned out, I didn't know what a proper plot twist was, it was overall messy and I kept deleting books. I was young and I didn't have a large train of thought, all I wanted was adventure.

For a long period of time, I just wasn't happy with my writing at all and even though people read my stuff, I didn't have a whole lot of confidence until probably the middle of last year shortly after I started writing fanfiction.

I've always loved writing, but I love it even more now and I find it even more enjoyable now that I know I have more confidence in my writing skills and that people actually wait for my updates and such, it really makes me feel complete. I'd say the journey and struggle were worth it.

2. What did it feel like to hit 1k followers?

Oh boy, I'll be honest with you, I didn't really keep track of my followers before I hit 1k until I started getting really close and my friends were counting down how many I had left like it was New Years or something. I did feel really excited but I also kept questioning why so many people wanted to follow me.

When I finally hit the mark, I believe I didn't see it until the morning, that was such a wonderful sight to wake up to. I've never been one to wish for a certain amount of followers because I always thought it was the feedback on the books that counted, but I felt a rush of happiness the moment I hit the number and I continue to feel that as the number is still getting higher.

It feels nice to have more people responding to my message board messages when before I rarely got replies, it really makes me believe that people do care on some level and I greatly appreciate that.

3. Would you like to one day work on getting a book published or do you write more for fun?

My lifetime goal has always been to get a book published. Ever since I was 7 I knew that writing was what I was supposed to do with my life and I still feel that way, without writing I feel like my life would be pointless. Every one of my friends when I was smaller wanted to be models or fashion stylists, I was the shy dorky girl who wanted to be the next big author with books as huge as the Twilight series. I still am that girl.

I've met with a publisher before, but she was my aunt's friend who I happened to meet. I showed her a section of an original book I'm writing (my secret side project) and she actually told me I have the potential to become an author if I send it into a company and to contact her if I ever finish my book.

As of now, I'm totally reconstructing the book to make it better, I'm building my dream right now and it feels so good to do that. On here, I do write for fun and for people, I don't think Frerard could get published, hahaha. I'm kind of sad I can't write porn in real life though or else my family will be very disappointed in me.

4. Where do you get your inspiration to write from?

I get my inspiration from so many places and books. Even movies and such. But I am sort of obsessed with Gothic and romantic literature, I like combining the two of them.

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