ImaginationRobber ❌

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This is my interview with ImaginationRobber

They have 92 followers at the moment and 2 published works including a book of Gryles oneshots with 311 reads.

1. Why did you first decide to make your Wattpad account?

I think it was to read a friend's fic honestly, they'd been telling me about their writing on here for a while but I'd never really fully wrapped my head around making an account or anything to read any of it, which is a shame because it was so lovely when I finally did and I could've been enjoying the loveliness before but oh well I got there eventually.

I don't really understand why I couldn't understand making an account or anything since Wattpad isn't that tricky to figure out but I'm assuming it's because I was used to reading on AO3 or anything else so this just confused me which doesn't make sense to me now but hey I must've had some explanation back then.

But anyway they wrote this sort of crack fic about Mikey Way and his tambourine and their explanation of it made me so hysterical I had to make an account and of course I wanted to read their other things but that tambourine fic was what it all came down to.

I sort of lurked around for a bit though, I had virtually no grasp on how to make inline comments or how to search for things so I only really used this to read their works in the beginning.

After a while they started linking me to other people's fics and I felt bad being a bit of a ghost and just reading and not doing anything else like commenting or interacting because with my friend I could frantically yell about their works with them on instagram or something but I couldn't do that with other people so I figured it out eventually.

I didn't start writing on here for ages though, I was writing just in docs and planning out ideas but I never really wanted to post what I'd done until recently well not really recently it's been a bit of a while now but yeah I just lurked and read.

I still have no idea why it took me so long to work it out and wrap my head around this but I got here somehow so I'm counting that as a success.

I'm getting a bit rambly already this is earlier than I expected my rambles to come on but apparently they're here oops.

I hope this is alright I will make an effort to keep my rambles in check I guess we'll see how well that works out.

2. Where do you get your inspiration to write from?

Honestly I'm not sure, it's sort of like everywhere but not really, it depends, like a lot of it is from just chatting with friends and ending up with headcanons that I want to write so badly that I have to have a go, but then some of it is just sort of a bit random like I'll be in Tesco's or somewhere and then somehow I'm thinking of Harry getting hard in a shop and Nick fucking him in the bathroom and then it just gets out of control and I've got backstory and whatever in the pasta aisle so anywhere really.

Also somehow I tend to get inspiration from pictures like pictures of the people. I don't know if I can include pictures in this but there's one of Harry like in a car but like he's drinking water but it looks like he's giving it a blowjob and then all of a sudden I've got a plot for something.

(I found the photo for you El)

(I found the photo for you El)

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