Chapter 58

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"Why am I always the one getting kidnapped?" I asked as both of my brothers laughed.

"Talking about kidnapping." I said as I turned around and went from the passenger seat and into the car to the back jumping onto Tyler's lap and threw his head back.

"Why did you do it? I could understand Elena but I was out of view, you knew I would kill you sooner or later but you still risked it. Why did you do it?" Jerking his head back harder he would soon give in

He yelped and  Damon and Stefan just  looked at me like I was crazy. Elena on the other hand was still asleep.

"One more push to your head and it'll detach itself from your shoulders."

"I can't breathe." 

The choked breath that came from his throat came out in mumbles and I looked at him for a quick second before I let him go.

"He told me being a hybrid would increase my chances of living, he told me I could get my revenge.... on you."  I burst out laughing.

"I can kill you without you even being near me Tyler.  And he knows that, he wanted to challenge you. You're his sire now, good luck with that." I patted his chest smirking and then just adjusted myself into the seat.

Elena was still not waking up and I was bored in need of someone to play with.

I waved at her face, measuring her breathing and opening her eyes. It was all just white and they were rolled all the way up to the back of her sockets. 

The car was a crisp silent before she had jerked up in her seat confused and already yelling.

"Where, where am I?" She said looking at me, and then turning around to see Tyler, she slapped the shit out of him. I started laughing.

"You were my friend!" She yelled at him angrily while Damon did a 'why did you wake her up face' at me and I held my laugh in as Stefan held Elena back from scratching Tyler's throat out.

"Friends. The only thing that cures humans needs. Thank god your not a human anymore am I right? No need for friends that betray you."

"For the first time Kylie, your right," Elena said not leaving her angry stare at Tyler as I winked.

"Glad to see you two getting along," Damon smirked at me.

"Don't push it," I warned Damon while he happily turned around to Stefan talking about something Elena was involved with.

Tyler lifted up his arm to yawn and as soon as he touched me I went blind. I was paralyzed and couldn't move and all I saw was white. A vision.


"It's just between us Tyler. I need you, and you need me." 

With that, she grabbed his hair and she caressed her jawline as they kissed.

*Vision ends*

The Baby Salvatore (*EDITING*)Where stories live. Discover now