Chapter 2

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I instantly let go of Noah's hand but he wrapped his fingers into mine tightly not having any intention on letting go.

I spotted two angry glares staring at me and Noah. I guess he didn't care about getting caught. How brave of him. But I guess he didn't truly know my brothers yet. You can't be brave with them.

"I'm not leaving Damon. You can't force me. Not this time."

I angrily looked at Stefan. I was surprised, he usually didn't allow Damon's stupid behavior.

"You can't separate us! Why? Why won't you let me be happy?!" I yelled at Damon who was already stomping closer and closer to me by the second.

Stefan walked up to me grabbing my wrists so I wouldn't go anywhere and Damon clasped Noah's throat in his huge pale hands that were already turning red.

I gasped, trying to wiggle my way out of Stefan's tight grasp but it wasn't working. Tears were falling down my cheeks and Katherine who was supposed to be my best friend, was watching with horror filled in her eyes.

I wanted to help Noah so bad. I didn't understand. Damon was never this cruel when it didn't come to anything but boys. Why couldn't he stay being the loving, supporting, and caring brother I knew?

"Damon no!" I yelled looking back as buckets of salt and tears ran down my cheeks.

I stomped on Stefan's shoe, throwing his arms off of me and getting ready to strangle Damon but he caught my hand before I could really get away and pulled me back in, my back slowly hitting his chest.

"Please Stefan! Don't let him do this!" I cried out to Stefan, kicked, screamed, anything, but he didn't care. Or at least he tried to look like he didn't care. I knew deep inside he was hurting. The thought of seeing my balling my eyes out was hurting him. And I knew it, but he was trying to hide it.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stay away?" Damon yelled at him and then pushed his chest so hard he stumbled and dropped to the floor.

"I guess many more times." Noah responded back which made Damon angrier than he already was.

Damon was about to punch him when I closed my eyes flinching, terrified for him. He stopped when he saw me. I opened up my eyes when I heard no tense hit. I was too scared to look at what happened to Noah. I pushed Stefan off me and ran out of the room, shoving Katherine out of my way, making her almost stumble.

I ran down the staircase and past the damn 800 hallways. I ran out of the Lockwood mansion with the tears running  down my face and no intention to stop running until I reached home.

The Baby Salvatore (*EDITING*)Where stories live. Discover now