Chapter 54

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I guess Jeremy witnessed what had just happened between Damon and Elena and he asked for a ride home with me in the car. I hesitated at first but I didn't want to spend one more minute at this motel and with that we drove off.

It was a long quiet ride until the  silence finally broke.

"Why do you have feelings for Kol?"

"Why do you care?" I resorted back but realized that the whole world wasn't against me and I had to calm down.

"Im sorry I-"

"No its okay I barged in on your personal life and its okay if you don't want to-"

"No, its alright."

I took a deep breath and just kept driving.

"For a long time I feel like I always had to fight for my brother's attention. I knew they always loved me and would give up Elena or Katherine for me in a heartbeat but sometime's they look at her like she's the one that gives them life. With Kol I never had to doubt his love for me even though now  he won't even speak to me about anything. Everyone see's him as this monster who destroys any and everything and that he is loveless but their wrong. He loves me and has  shown me more affection than anyone has in a long time."

Silence and crickets rode the car until we were halfway to Mystic Falls.

"I'm sorry if I used you to get back at Elena I was selfish and impulsive and-"

"Kylie, its really okay. You have a lot of your plate already."

I started breaking down and I think the car swerved a bit. Jeremy grabbed my hand on the steering wheel and asked to take over.  In a minute we switched places and he pulled over. That night he held me in comfort for so long.

5 Hours later..... 

Of course  Damon  didn't want me to tell Stefan, but how was he gonna tell Stefan?  How was Elena gonna explain it to Stefan? Would she? I would have to tell him. But then at the end of the day it was none of my business. I had my own boyfriend drama to deal with and I had to see what the hell was wrong with Kol. But then seeing Stefan sad and heartbroken shattered my heart into a million pieces.

I arrived in the house and all I heard was grunting. I dashed downstairs and saw Alaric. His hands were filled with warm red blood. He wasn't his normal self.   Stefan was about to drink from him just when I got in front of him, I flung Alaric's  body  to the wall  his body landing a hard thump on our carpet.   He got back up again tiredly in a matter of seconds and if were telling the truth here whatever Esther had turned him to was anything but vampire.

Alaric laughed as he looked up at Stefan.

"Your so weak." He said as I came towards him and kicked him in his stomach before Stefan pulled me back.

"Thanks, but this is what he wants."

"And you Kylie, you don't even know what you want. Your so badass and rebellious isn't that right?" Alaric said and I was ready to snap his neck knowing that he didn't have his ring but I just walked away  and glared at him like Stefan nodded me to do so.

I then heard a loud "KYLIEEE" In the distance of the very far woods, next to the motel we just came back from, not too  far from a house. It was Damon's graspy voice. My Werewolf hearing mixed with the vampire hearing allowed me to hear him. I dashed all the way to the location almost tripping on myself.

I walked into the house and saw Elena on the floor holding her head, Damon on the floor, his legs snapped and arm broken, and Kol ready to take another swing with his baseball bat. I came from behind him instantly snapping  his neck and he fell into my arms as I slowly laid him on the floor. What is wrong with him? I don't even understand why he's doing this? Was he okay? And how the hell did Damon call my name knowing that I'd come?

IM SORRRRY I KNOW YOU GUYS HATE ME RIGHT NOW BECAUSE THIS IS PROBABLY SOME OF YOU GUYS'S FAVORITE BOOK RIGHT KNOW AND I JUST COMPLETELY STOPPED but if you guys would forgive me I would gift you guys with more chapters. My dumbass spilled water on my laptop and now certain keys don't work and I'm getting it fixed so you have to understand. But thanks for understanding and comment down what you want to happen next:

1) Katherine comes back and Kylie finally gets her chance , Kol leaves....

2) Kylie moves to New Orleans to help the Mikealsons protect their family.

3)lemme skip a few seasons and get a big surprise that's gonna make you love this book even more.

ITS YOUR PICK, the vote starts from today all the way to one week, and you have to be actively voting, share this to others, so they can get to vote too!   P.s , no one ever comments so how do I know what you guys want to read? How do I get feedback on my book? Comment, and all the better things in life will start to unfold, I promise you. So next week I will post new chapters on what happened,  thank you, and I love you, but for now,


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