Chapter 32: My Parent Buys Me a Useless Submarine

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Chapter 32: My Parent Buys Me a Useless Submarine

Percy is narrating. Enjoy!


"Bye, Annabeth," I kissed her lightly on the forehead and went into the van. The van's engine came to life, and Camp Half-Blood faded into the distance. This fall, I would spend a pretty good while with my mom and *cough* dad. It wasn't Poseidon but Paul. I sigh and scrunch into my seat. Argus winks at me from up front.

When we get to my mom's apartment, Paul and Mom greet me. I ignore being swarmed by them and put my bag in my room. I pull out my phone and text Annabeth:

hey wise girl. just got here. mom's already driving me crazy. ya.


I slid my phone back into my pocket before my mom came the room. She then decided that she would stay and sat at the end of my bed. "Hey," I said awkwardly.

"Is there anything troubling you?" she asked me. She touched my arm lightly with concern. That was an out-of-the-blue question.

I then said, "Yeah. I'm fine. You?"

She sighed, "Yes, I'm fine." Then her eyes lit up. "My new novel is going to be at a book convention this weekend. I thought you would like to go."

I shrugged. "Sure." My mom was about to leave when my phone buzzed. She raised an eyebrow at me. My face started to turn red. She motioned for my phone but didn't leave with it. All she did was check who it was from and handed it back to me, lightly laughing. I checked the message from Annabeth:

that's your mom all right, but she isn't that bad. anyways, u ok? leo is already babbling and telling jokes about how Poseidon freaked when you weren't answering him. Poseidon has some serious separation anxiety.


I typed back an agreeing face. I then started to unload some clothes. Suddenly, there was a knock in the door. "Come in." It was Paul. He was smiling very big.

"I have a surprise." In his hand was a catalog.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Let's go get in the car. I think my Prius still has those hoof prints," he smiled. I followed him out the door and got into the car.

Next thing I knew, I was at New York Harbor. I followed Paul down the dock. He then stopped, and I bumped into him. "There it is," he pointed.

In the water was an eight foot long submarine. "Wow," I said, stunned.

"Do you like it? It's your late birthday present." He tossed me the keys. I caught them. I was still surprised. I'm guessing that Paul had no clue that being a son of Poseidon meant that I could breathe underwater, but I didn't tell him because this baby was sweet. I walked down toward the submarine and hopped in. The submarine was for two people, so Paul got in too. I was in the driver's seat and started it up.

"Do you know how to work it?" asked Paul.

"I think so." I let my water senses kick in, and soon, we were underwater, looking at fish and other creatures.

"This is amazing. You know, the museum gave me this as a donation because I helped them out with some things," Paul explained.

"A donation? Wow," all I could do was reply.

"Yeah. Pretty awesome." I thought everything was ok until we hit a rock, or so I thought it was one. I couldn't control the controls anymore. We hit another one, denting it even more.

"I can't control it!" I cried out. That was the last thing I said until I was knocked out.


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