Chapter 9: The Production Part 3

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Chapter 9: The Production Part 3

"We're back!" Leo boomed. Poseidon exchanged glances with me once more. "Our next round will be...unusual. We will have everyone compete in this round." The gods and goddesses in the crowd looked at each other confused. "You will, together on your team, make the smelliest smell in the whole world. Of course, you're provided with things like my personal dirty socks," Leo said. Hades cracked up. Leo walked up once more and cautioned us back. He changed the set to a science lab.

"Are you ready to get started?" Leo asked. The two teams nodded. I swallowed down my nervousness. Leo showed our team and the Almighty Wrinkles to our starting positions. The two stations were designed to fit the gods perfectly. For example, Ares's chair was a little bigger so he could sit in it more comfortably.

"We can do this," I said confidently to our team. Everyone just nodded, distracted.

"You have 10 minutes. Go!" Leo commanded. I ran to our lab with Annabeth right behind me. There was, in fact, some of the most smelliest items on our table. Thalia pinched her nose and turned green.

"I forgot to mention something," Leo started, "Local trash bins are in your lab under the table, just in case your need them by any chance." I got back to my work. A wave of nauseousness washed over me when I put on my gloves and picked up a piece of underwear. I almost gagged then and there. Poseidon seemed to have avoided the smell somehow and started to boil a sock (which, by the way, seemed weird).

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Trying to get the smell more pungent. We need to get all those items and put it in here. This pot is explosive free. It won't explode from the smell," he explained. I started to work again. I somehow found a mask and put it on, but it didn't help the smell one bit. Annabeth and Thalia grabbed all the smelly items from the table and dumped it into the large pot. All we needed to do was wait. The clock announced we were half-way done with the challenge. Our smelly mess was almost done.

When Poseidon turned off the pot, a wave of aroma escaped. I quickly grabbed the trash can and puked. Annabeth did the same thing, but instead of in the trash can, it was too late. She puked on me. I could feel it dripping down my neck, and I gagged more.

On the other hand, the Almighty Wrinkles had Nico. The smell of the stinky items didn't seem to bother him. Probably because he always smells like death, I thought. Jason turned green all of a sudden and puked in the sink. Poseidon just stared at me and said, "This is just madness." I slowly nodded my head in agreement. I felt awful and my girlfriend had puked all over me. Talk about romantic. I looked at Ares's face just then. It was a forest green color. He looked squeamish. All of a sudden, he barfed. I'm talking about all over the table. Drew, the whole time, was puking in a corner. This was not her type of challenge. I trudged on, and soon the clock was down to zero.

"Alright! Looks like everyone's done!" Leo said. Poseidon was about to bring the pot over when Leo said, "Oh no! We don't need that! How many times did your team puke?" Ha ha. Now you want to know how many times we puked, I said sarcastically in my head.

"Two times," Poseidon said.

"And the Almighty Wrinkles?" Leo asked.

"Three," Nico answered.

"The Seamermaids win! Come up and get your prize!" Leo congratulated. Right as Leo said it, Thalia collapsed from the smell. Luckily, the audience didn't even smell the whole thing. Even Leo was sweating from the smell. Annabeth, before anyone could get her, picked her up and carried her to the winning platform. I steadily walked over there, step by step. Poseidon followed. A nymph came with a pillow that had a gold trophy with The Seamermaids, and the Olympus symbol was etched on the front of the trophy. Poseidon, who was the only one was stable, took the trophy and shook hands with Leo. Poseidon held up the trophy and the gods and goddesses cheered. Some gods and goddesses booed, but the majority was happy with the results. The curtains closed. I was relieved and happy, but I was exhausted from lack of food. Some Aphrodite girls came up to me and took of my shirt, which was embarrassing, but the puke was on it, and they put a plain cotton T-shirt on me. I was grateful for the shirt, but I needed a nice, long swim and shower.

"Good going, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said.

"Thanks," I muttered. We linked arms. We went to the mirror together and looked at ourselves. "We look like fools," I said as I bursting out laughing. She joined in with me. Her hair was like a tornado went through it. My face had dirt on it from all the challenges. I realized something. I had a good life. I wouldn't trade it for the world, but I wasn't finished.

THANKS FOR READING THIS CHAPTER AND THE OTHERS! More coming soon! Thanks for the positive comments!

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