Chapter 10: More Social Media

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Chapter 10: More Social Media

iMessage with Annabeth and Thalia:

Annabeth: Hey! I just started an iMessage!

Percy: Yep, just you and me.

Annabeth: it's not just us

Percy: I was thinking we should go out to eat

Annabeth: ...

Percy: You know?

Annabeth: ...

Percy: r u going to respond because it's taking you forever!

Annabeth: ...


Percy: Geez. It isn't that many

Annabeth: ...

Percy: Ok! We get it with the dots! Just tell us something already

Thalia: yeah. An eon passed now

Annabeth: ...

Thalia: You know, I think I'll leave

Percy: Just give Annabeth a chance at least to say something. Hey! I think she's sending right now.

Annabeth: hi

Thalia: No offense, but that was all you typed?!

Annabeth: Yes

Thalia: ok 😁

Percy: That reminds me...

Annabeth: Yeah?

Percy: Thalia, don't you have a stuffed animal named Mr. Fluffymuffin?

Thalia: 😳 No....what makes you say that?

Percy: Well today, Jason was having a yard sale and I saw this toy that was a white rabbit. It said in really sloppy letters: Property of Thalia.

Thalia: She's not an it! and what else happened...

Percy: I bought it...

Thalia: YOU WHAT????!!!!

Percy: Ooh and get this... It was only two bucks!

Annabeth: Umm...Percy?

Thalia: Go to Tartarus, Percy! Why would you do such a thing?! 😡

Percy: Whoa! Whoa! I've been to Tartarus so...bam!

Annabeth: Let's not get into it.

Percy: Yeah and isn't Mr. Fluffymuffin a boy because of Mr.?

Thalia: Don't judge and I think I'll be going now. Goodbye

Percy: Ok.

Annabeth: You guys are soooo much alike

Percy: How so?

Annabeth: You both like really girly stuff!

Percy: *face palm*

Thanks for all the reads! Please comment! I enjoy it! Any suggestions? Please feel free to suggest something! Thanks!

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