Chapter 2: Facebook and Snapchat Part 2

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Chapter 2: Facebook and Snapchat Part 2

Piper: Hey Jason <3

Jason: Hey Pipes!

Aphrodite: Hey young lovers. Thought I could drop in

Piper: Mother?!

Aphrodite: Yes, child. Don't you love twisting and turning someone's love life?

Piper: No. I don't.

Jason: Sometimes love is stupid and dumb

Aphrodite: You will regret that, Jason Grace in three...two...

Piper: Mother no!

Aphrodite: Too late

Jason: Where are you? Oh, there you are! *Jason picks up a white rabbit and kisses it*

Piper: Jason?

Jason: Fluffy is my only love!

Piper: Mother! Change him back!

Aphrodite: Not until he takes a picture of himself

Jason posts a picture of him and Fluffy

Aphrodite and 16 others liked this photo

Aphrodite: He should be normal soon

Thalia: Is that Mr. Fluffymuffin?

Piper: Mr. Fluffymuffin?

Thalia: I mean-er-my dog's toy

Aphrodite: Jason should be back to normal now

Jason: Thalia? I read the posts. We don't have a dog

Thalia: Grr!

~Thalia has logged off~

Aphrodite: That was fun! :)

Jason: Not for me.

Piper: Please go, mom

Jason: Yes, Lady Venus. I think there are more love lives to play with

Aphrodite: Oh fine!

~Aphrodite has logged off~

Jason: Venus is crazy

Piper: I am so blocking my mom.

~Piper and Jason have logged off~

Zeus: We have an important matter to discuss

Poseidon: What is it?

Hades: Yeah, you're boring me to death. Ha! To death! I crack myself up sometimes!

Zeus: Not funny. This matter includes Dionysus

Dionysus: You called?

Zeus: Yes. Your speciality!

Dionysus: Ok. What is it?

Zeus: We should have a dance party!

Poseidon: That would be quite nice

Hades: Is it really a dance party?

Zeus: Kind of. It's tonight. Be there

Hades posts a picture of him with a party hat on. Persephone is beside him smiling and Demeter is in the back eating cereal

Poseidon, Zeus, and 14 others liked this photo

~Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, and Dionysus have logged off~

Zeus: Alright, everyone! Log on Facebook

Apollo: I'm on

Athena: Facebook is for brain-dead people

Zeus: I'm not brain-dead! Especially since you were born from my brain. That means I have a brain and it is certainly not dead

Artemis: I wish I was not here. My Hunters should not be alone

Apollo: Awe. Soften up, Artemis *Artemis glares at Apollo*

Apollo: Just saying

Hestia: The hearth is warmer today

Nemesis: Ok...What are we going to do?

Hera: We could talk about marriage

Hermes: Or delivery express mail

Apollo: No and no, Hermes and Hera

Aphrodite: *sigh* or about love

Hephaestus: Well, I'm bored

Athena: Another party gone bad

Dionysus: Not really. Wine anyone?

Ares: No thanks, Dionysus. I'm off. There's a war going on

Hades: Yeah. This was a bad party

Poseidon: No once even danced! Anyone care to join me?

Dionysus: Um...Sure?

Hades: I'll join!

Demeter: Cereal. That's all we need

Ares: Disgusting. I'm off! *Ares poofs and red smoke is all that's left*

*All the gods and goddesses get on the dance floor and boogie*

Hermes: After eons, I'm still a good dancer!

Aphrodite: Me too!

*The gods and goddesses have a good time*

Hera: That actually was fun!

~Athena, Hera, Aphrodite, Nemesis, Hermes, Dionysus, Demeter, Hephaestus, Hestia, Apollo, and Artemis have logged off~

Zeus: That was fun!

Hades: That fun when I got to light the candles with my powers even though you wanted to do it

Zeus: You stole my thundah!

Hades: Mother Rhea did think I was the most handsome!

Zeus: No! I was! *Zeus summons a lightening bolt on Hades*

Hades: I'm immortal, dummy!

Poseidon: Whoa! Why are you guys fighting?

Hades: Who do you think was handsome!

Poseidon: It was me!

Zeus: Oh no you didn't!

Chiron: Hello

Poseidon: Hey Chiron! Just having a friendly argument

Chiron: I don't think zombies and storms in the city call it friendly. You gods are arguing about something silly like being handsome?

Hades: Exactly. It's very important. Who was it?

Chiron: As I recall, it was Zeus, but that is just a matter of one opinion.

Poseidon: A powerful opinion >_<

Zeus: Score!

Chiron: Now don't give your hopes up, Poseidon. I've heard from quite a few mermaids that they think you are the most handsome.

Hades: Yeah, mermaids. Zombies don't have any feelings. They just fear me because I'm very powerful. I think that's a better accomplishment than looks!

Hades uploads a photo from Snapchat: The picture is a group of zombies bowing down to Hades. The caption says: Luv being me

Nico has liked this photo

Zeus: Disgusting

Chiron: Rachel Dare is calling for me. Bye

Poseidon: The sea awaits me. Bye

~Chiron, Poseidon, Zeus, and Hades have logged off~

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