Chapter 15: A Newcomer

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Chapter 15: A Newcomer

Frank: Check this video out:

Hazel: Hilarious!

Nico: Cool

Chiron: You need to go to the pavilion. We have some exciting news

Percy: What is it?

Chiron: You'll find out

Percy: Ok


"Listen up, demigods!" Chiron's voice went around the pavilion, spreading like a wild fire. Everyone looked at Chiron. "We have a newcomer that will be staying here at Camp Half-Blood."

"Who is their godly parent?" someone said across the pavilion.

"We're not sure," Chiron replied, "And here is Miss Darci Zian." Chiron pointed to an empty spot. "Now where did she go?" Suddenly, a shout came from the Big House. A girl with straight red hair came running down to the pavilion.

"Sorry I'm late," she said out of breath. She had Converses, a camo shirt on, and jeans.

"Yes. This is Da--"

"Darci Zian," she replied cheerfully before Chiron could finish. Everyone just stared at her. She had all of a sudden disappeared. Suddenly, she was there again. "Oops," she said, "I hate it when I accidentally do that." Chiron cleared his throat.

"Please help Miss Darci feel at ease here. Please lay off pranks. And I'm talking to you, Conner and Travis." The twins just shrugged.

"Hi," Darci said again.


Later chatting:

Percy: Hey. I'm Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon

Darci: Hi. I just got Facenovel and I am so not used to the website

Annabeth: Might I correct you? I'm Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena

Darci: What did I do wrong?

Annabeth: It's Facebook, not Facenovel

Darci: Oops. 😳

Frank: I'm Frank Zhang, son of Mars. I'm Roman but I'm staying at Camp half-Blood for now. Do you like CHB so far?

Darci: I don't know. I'm still settling in.

Leo: Oh. My. Word. I just noticed something

Percy: What?

Leo: Zian and Zhang! Like zing and zang! But it's yin and yang, though

Frank: *face palm*

Darci: Shut up

Leo: Name's Leo Valdez, by the way. And I have to ask you a really important question.

Darci: What is it?

Leo: Are you on team Leo? 'Cause I am!

Darci: I'm getting the impression that this guy isn't as smart as he thinks he is

Leo: Oooooh! Burn! Wait...Hey!

Hazel: I'm Hazel Levesque, Frank's boyfriend, daughter of Pluto

Darci: Cool. Perxy, that's cool your dad's Poseidon

Percy: Umm...

Darci: Stupid typo! Well, no one's perfect

Hazel: Btw, do you have any idea who your godly parent is?


"Don't you think flashlight tag is a little kidish?" Darci asked Leo, as they stocked up on flashlights. Darci was picked to be on Leo's team.

"Hey. If I still order from the kids' menu, I think it's ok we can play this," he replied. After they left, they went to the woods where Chiron was explaining.

"You know the rules, campers! Let's get started!" Chiron said. "Of course, I'm the referee. If I say you're out, you're out! Magical weapons are allowed if needed! Clarisse La Rue has offered to be the one with the flashlight!" The campers got up and creeped into the woods to find the perfect hiding spot. Darci and Leo hid behind a huge tree that had fallen over. Suddenly, there were leaves crunching. Darci believed Clarisse had already found them. She still stayed low. Leo did the same.

"Got you," Clarisse said. Darci almost stood up, but Leo shook his head. Katie Gardner and her friend was out of the game. They were caught.

After about 1 hour, Leo said, "I'm gonna go scope it out." He got out from their hiding place and searched around. Then, Clarisse beamed the flashlight on Leo.

"You're out," she said. Leo held up his hands and left to go watch with Chiron. Darci was almost the only one left.

After 30 minutes, Chiron announced it was down to Drew and Darci. Clarisse was ready to catch them. Suddenly, a girl that smelled like designer's perfume slipped right into the spot Leo was once in. She quickly threw a large stick that made a loud thud.

"What was that?" Clarisse said sneakily. She walked toward Darci's direction.

"Are you trying to get me out?" Darci asked the girl.

"Honey, I would never do that," she smiled an evil smile. Darci's face reddened. The girl smirked then left just in time for Clarisse to come and look for Darci.

A few minutes later, Drew was back with a large rock. She threw it and Clarisse shined the light on Darci right after Drew quickly left.

"You're out," Clarisse said. Darci's face felt hot. That girl was gonna get it.

"Come out," Darci said. She heard a rustle. She attacked the figure.

"Ahh!" she screamed. "Get off of me! This girl, Drew, just won!" Darci's face got redder. A crowd started to form. Drew started to talk like pure honey, but Darci wasn't falling for it. Before Darci could control herself, she waved her hand at Drew and a blue light struck Drew. She stumbled back, startled. Then, everyone looked at my head. A holographic symbol of paired torches was above her head.

Then Chiron said, "Hail, Darci Zian, daughter of Hecate."


Thanks for reading! Thanks, @Kitkat011 for the character!

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