Chapter 8: The Production Part 2

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Chapter 8: The Production Part 2

"Let's recap!" Hephaestus said to the gods and goddesses. "The score is 3-3. We will move on to the next challenge, but first, we need to pick players!" Hephaestus once again pushed the randomize button and two cards printed out. "Poseidon and Ares!"

"Ok," Poseidon said.

"Stand back everyone. The set is going to switch," Hephaestus replied. The other contestants and I stepped away from the stage and it was transformed into a basketball court. Ares cracked his knuckles.

"I'm going to squash your team," he told us.

"Let's just see how the game goes," Poseidon simply said.

"You cannot use any powers. Ares, no extra strength," Hephaestus explained.

"Go Dad!" I encouraged. Poseidon took his fishing hat off and transformed his outfit into a jersey and some shorts. Some of the Aphrodite girls giggled. Ares and Poseidon stepped on the court of the newly polished floor.

"Go!" Hephaestus shouted. Poseidon quickly grabbed the ball and dribbled. Gods and goddesses in the crowd cheered. Ares quickly swatted the ball away and shot. Though it almost went in, he didn't make it. Poseidon ran to get the ball. Ares smacked Poseidon really hard for no reason.

"Foul!" Hephaestus yelled.

"That's not a foul!" Ares said.

"It is here!"

While Ares was distracted, Poseidon grabbed the ball and shot. It went in.

"Yeah!" I shouted.

"Just as a note. We are playing to 2 baskets. So far, Poseidon is winning!" Hephaestus announced. Something in his pocket buzzed and he looked at it with concern. "Umm...I have to leave. So, Leo Valdez will be the co-host!" Hephaestus said. Leo looked startled but smiled. He ran up to the stage.

"The one and only Leo Valdez is here!" he said with a smile. Hephaestus patted him on the shoulder and disappeared. "Let's get this party started! Go, Poseidon and Ares! I didn't tell you to stop!"

Poseidon lunged towards the ball and goofily shot again. It went the other direction from the hoop. Ares laughed and ran to get the ball. He shot then and got it in.

"And the war dude gets a point!" Leo said. "Keep going!" Poseidon dribbled the ball guarding Ares. Leo, by that time, was fiddling with a button. He pushed it all the right time.

Ares had the ball. He dribbled it once more but it backfired. Fart smell filled the court, but a magical force blocked the audience and the other contestants. Ares eyes started to water. Poseidon grabbed the ball coughing as he went. The moment finally came. Poseidon shot and he scored!

"That ends the basketball challenge. Like Hephaestus said, there would be some tricks! The score is now 4-3. We have one more challenge. If The Seascums win the next two rounds, they will automatically win, but if the Almighty Losers tie up with them, we will have an extra round!" Leo explained.

Poseidon and Ares came out smelling awful, but there was a commercial break and some Aphrodite girls offered to clean them up. When they were done, they both smelled like roses.

"We're back! Our next challenge will be about flying," Leo said. "And that only leaves four contestants. The siblings will be against each other!"

"Flying?" Thalia's voice faltered.

"Problem?" Leo asked.

"No," Thalia said.

"You will each make a pair of wings that can make you fly. The first one that falls down loses," Leo explained. Thalia gripped the desk, her knuckles white. Poor Thalia. Annabeth looked like she was ready to punch Leo for making the decision.

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