Chapter 17: Flushed

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Chapter 17: Flushed

Ok! Quick thing before you read! Thalia is in first person "I." Thanks! Hope you enjoy!


Worst. Nightmare. Ever. (Well not really) I really can't explain it, WAY too embarrassing. I got up from the floor hidden away from Hippie Zeus and went to the community bathrooms. I'm so glad my dad wasn't Roman when he had me. Their way of sanitation is a little to gross for me. Before I got there, I heard laughing from the boy's.

Since it was pretty early in the morning, I crept to the boy's bathroom. There was no one there except Percy and Leo. The stall door was open and they kept repeatedly flushing the toilet. (Chiron won't be pleased on the water bill this month.)

"Keep flushing, man!" Leo said. "Thalia would be ticked if she found out."

"Found out what?" I asked sternly from behind them. They were startled and quickly hid what they were doing.

"Uh, hi," Percy managed to say.

"What were you doing?" I asked suspiciously.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing," Leo answered.

"What about 'keep flushing, man!'" I mimicked. Leo's face turned slightly red.

"Why are you even in here?" Percy asked, "Can't you read it's the boy's restroom?"

"Oh I can read. You just hear me out. Whatever is behind you will be found out my me in five seconds or you'll pay. Big time," I warned.

"Thali-" Percy started to say.

"One!" I interrupted.

"You can't do thi-"


"Chiron won't like you in he-"


"We won't let you se-"


"Don't do i-"

"Five!" I charged. Percy caught me by the waist, which was awkward, but I kicked him just to get him out of the way. Leo was next. Surprisingly, he backed away.

"I went into the stall and saw my beloved Mr. Fluffymuffin drowning in the toilet.

"Mr. Fluffymuffin!" I screamed. Part of his ear was torn really bad. Anger boiled up inside me. Percy got up and started to go at me. I punched him super hard, and it sent him flying back. Now Leo had the fire, but I had the thunder. His hands were now lit up.

"You don't want to burn, Thalia," he warned.

"I'm not worried about that," I said. I summoned lightening, and he was shocked and out.

"Thalia? What happened in here?" asked a voice. I looked at the doorway. There was Chiron.


"Now what exactly happened, Miss Grace?" Dionysus in his bathrobe asked me. There I was, at the Big House with Leo and Percy.

I started explaining, "I was going to the girl's bathroom, and on the way there, I heard laughing. I went in there-"

"Did you ever think while you were in there that you were breaking the rules?" Chiron interrupted.

"Yes, sir," I answered.

"Proceed," Director D. commanded.

"I then gave them a chance to back off so I didn't have to hurt them. Of course they're both idiots and they didn't leave-"

"Now Thalia," Chiron raised an eyebrow at me. I shrugged.

"I kicked Percy and Leo backed off, and they had the nerve to try and flush one of my only normal things that was in my life! I mean, how stupid is it to flush a stuffed animal?!" I explained.

"You forgot to tell the last part," said Percy, now with the black eye.

"I sorta summoned lightening on Leo and punched Percy," I mumbled.

"What was that?" Leo said trying to get me annoyed.

"I said I kicked Percy and summoned lightening on Leo," I answered again. I looked at Chiron. He didn't look pleased. Director D. looked like he was about to explode from laughter.

"Do you understand there are consequences for what you did, all of you?" Chiron asked. Then, Dionysus bursted out laughing.

"You two guys were beaten by a girl! Way to go, sis!" Dionysus said. I couldn't help but smile. Chiron still looked serious. He wasn't finished.

"Do you understand?" he asked once more.

"Yes, Chiron," we answered in unison. He then told us our chores we had to do. Finally, we were dismissed.

"You know, I'm gonna feel jittery for a week because of you!" Leo whispered sharply to me.

"Hey, you deserved it," I replied. Percy said nothing. In my opinion, I think he was disappointed that he hadn't won this time. I had. As soon as we got towards the cabins, campers rushed to us and asked us questions. Some laughed, and some were shocked (like Annabeth). Jason smiled at me and telepathically told me good job.

Next, I went and retrieved Mr. Fluffymuffin who had almost completely dried was in my arms, but I was going to wash it again because you never know what can be in those toilets. Annabeth came over to me.

"Percy's actually pretty impressed with you," she said, "but the first thing he said to me was that his eye hurts." She laughed. I smiled.

That night, I tucked Mr. Fluffymuffin and me into my sleeping bag and dozed off to sleep, smiling.


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