Chapter 24: Prank Wars Part 2

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Chapter 24: Prank Wars Part 2

Percy, Piper, and Thalia also narrate part this chapter!


Piper was furious. She closed the door. Jason looked terrified. "I don't know what she's going to do to me," he said.

"Cheer up, man. At least she didn't break up with you," Leo replied. Jason glared at him. I started to walk back to the Poseidon cabin when Leo called to me.

"Hey, Percy! Good going with the syrup," Leo grinned. I grinned back. I wondered what Connor Stoll would do to me next. Hopefully, it wouldn't be that bad.

A few hours later, Connor and Travis had obviously gotten cleaned up. I personally think that they took their first shower this month. It's funny that it's half way through the month. Connor kept making faces at me. I just ignored him. I thought I had a pretty normal day until I got into bed.

Something slimy and creepy-crawly crept up my leg. I screamed. I looked to see what it was. It was a cockroach. Phew. It wasn't someone from the Hephaestus cabin that was highly explosive. That made a cockroach look good. I decided to plot another prank.

My dad had given me the basketball he shot with, that won a point for our team, when we were on a game show. I had taken it as a reward. Leo also gave me the crazy remote for it. There were so many buttons to push on it, yet Leo had only chosen the fart button. I had to wait until the next morning before it happened.



Between flour and water, I would've chosen water. Jason had done it this time. It was so hard to get the flour out of my hair, I just prayed to Aphrodite I could get it out easily. Apparently, she was busy. I was going to get my revenge on Jason. Obviously, I was no daughter of Nemesis, but I had a good plan. It was now the night after the morning of the pranks. Even though I felt really tired and sluggish, I had to go through with it.

I crept out of my cabin and blindly walked toward the Zeus cabin. I walked in there and found Jason for some reason lying in a sleeping bag. That was ok. I brushed the hair out of his face, I yawned, and then I got started. I smeared makeup all over his face. I had heard he never liked clowns. So, that was his costume. I drew a clown face over his face. I stood up, satisfied, and went to bed.



I woke up, surprisingly unharmed. I thought Piper was going to take revenge on me! Maybe not. I sighed. Yes. I love that girl. I went to the mirror in the bathroom. Only my hair was a little of out place. There was nothing wrong with me.



I quickly woke. I put my hands over my eyes to get the sleep out of them. Wait. My face didn't feel right. It felt really oily even though I had just taken a shower. I walked to the mirror. I stifled a scream so I wouldn't wake Jason. My. Face. Was. A. Clown. I got very angry. I punched the mirror so hard it broke. Hey, seven years bad luck didn't matter. Being a demigod already had bad luck. There was only one person that would do this to people: Drew. I stormed out of the Zeus cabin (after scrubbing the makeup off) and found the door was locked. I busted the door down, and the Aphrodite campers looked at me in confusion.

"You," I pointed at Drew.

"What did I do?" she asked.

"Don't play dumb with me!" I shouted. Everyone crowded around. For some reason, Piper looked really nervous.

"I'm not. I seriously have no clue what you're talking about," Drew replied.

"You swear on the River Styx?" I said.

"I swear!"

"Then who did this?" I asked around the room. Most of the people shook their heads. Only one didn't. "Piper," I growled.

"I thought you were Jason! I had no idea I did it to you! I would never do that to a friend!" she explained.

"Uh huh. Sure," I said unsatisfied. I left. It was my turn to be the pranker.


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