The Rocks Truly Fall.

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I stared up, laying in rocks. My entire body was in pain as cuts bleed. I pushed the rocks away. I tryed getting up but pulled as my wings were stuck. I pulled the rock away and stared at my broken wing. Mila! I jumped on a rock and stared around, trying to find the enemy and Mila's body. I jumped up and down from rock to rock. I rigged through and saw his body in a worse state then last. I picked him up with a curled wing and putted him on a flat somehow rock. My ear twitched and a rock lifted and fell showing Chibi on top of Boozo making a shield around them and fading slowly away.  " Nowww! That was fun!" Yelled Chibi slinging at me without a sign.

---Socks POV outside.---

We starred at the fallen mountain. I threw silver at them and jumped up to get inside but Mafia jumped in front and slammed my away. I layed at Tisya still with blossoms around him. "Hey, Socks get us out well plz?" He said softly as he could. "Ain't a kit that don't know! " I yelled some at him and he smirked." Go go now kitty, believe in you to beat them. " I smiled big then turned serious at the sight of Mafia and Blossom.  I lifted my body up and silver tips formed. A silver-like blade appeared and to my mouth. I bit on the handle. I ran at them full speed. Mafia dodge me as I threw silver needles from afar. She threw her demon sword at me which I jumped on it and ran up it. She curled it and threw my side into the ground. She lifted it up and I only slung at her and clawed her cheek. In return, she clawed my other cheek and licked the blood from her claw, and pushed back from me.

"Now, let's see the true fun shall we?" She smiled. My needles stopped and went beside me. The demon sword in her mouth curled to her side and went straight through to the other side. Blood splashed out and covered her side and sword. She curled it out and left the biggest stab I've probably ever seen. Blood poured down to the ground. Her back paw stepped in it. She smirked. She created a cycle and then a star in the middle, putting it together. (Hey devil) I backed up. She went down and licked the remaining blood. And then stepped in it and looked with a emotionless face. "Now, this is the demon power, so far I only carry this and another. So let's have some fun, Blossom?" Do a example." Blossom rolled her eyes and threw a sharp blossom at Mafia's shoulder. The same cut appeared on me and I narrowed my eyes with a emotionless face. " HEY THIS IS THE SAME FROM BEING IN THOSE BLOSSOM WHATEVERS! I NEED SPICE AND YOU DIDINT GIVE IT TO ME HOW DARE YOUR WEAK POWER THATS LIKE THAT STUPID BLOSSOM THINGY!" I yelled.

She gave a annoyed look and sighed. "You won't be fun.....I need your friend Bella to watch also....." She said with a sad kitten voice. B-bella.....and Mila's limp body there.... I glanced at the Mila body then had a emotion build up, but what emotion? Love? Sadness? Confusion? Seemed like all.....


Chibi launched straight away. I grabbed his tail with mine and threw him to the other side.

 I grabbed his tail with mine and threw him to the other side

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