Tisya Past....

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<Tisya POV>

"Hey Tisya." Sat Bella.

"Yes?" I looked at her ears up. She never wanted me for as long I've been here. (A week and four days XD)

"Well...your new like me and Mila....sooo what's your past?" She telted her head with alittle smile.

"....." I looked down. She got the message then with alittle frown she padded off leaveing me alone. Heh...my past eh. I looked up and a flash came to me.

---Flash backs---

"Haha! Big brother (unknown)!" I laughed as he threw me on his back. I smiled. He was the brother I liked but seemed weird at times. Maybe alittle weird. But I didn't mind, in fact I liked it!
"Now Tisya,you have to learn to claw into the Exo points of your body."

"Exo? Points?" I telted my head.

"Mhm Exo points we call are the points of your body that brings energy. But other packs or clans say another phrase but we call them Exo Points."

I laughed at his lesson that day.

I sat smiling slightly. I don't even know my brother or his name completely..... Not even flashbacks helped.....my mind refuse about my brother.... Even one information disappear. I looked up to another flash smiling.

---Flash back--
"Our sons are cruel! Nothing could be...there to dangerous..." I listened to my mom putting her head to dads.

"We well find a way to help them both......"

I hid a  gasp from behind the ran off to hear yelling at our entrance home to see brother and a cat and dog. "I WELL END THIS PACK AND EVERYANIMAL IN IT!" He grabbed the dogs collar and swung his face into a wall. The cat hissed. "Brother stop!" I yelled with a sad voice seem mostly like a crying hooman child. He stopped then mumbled sorry and padded off.

I looked up remembering the scene but my brother name and what he said and his color. I felt sadness after a long time. Another flash came to me worser then thoughted.

---Flash Back---
The dog was limp when the cat poked. I knew Nexx killed him. I turned and padded away  from the scene.

<Next Day>
I sighed. I scratched the catpost. Maybe brother was good and that wasn't brother! I smiled at the thoughts. I walked out. " Going to go train my claws cya mom!" I yelled then ran off.

Time skip to......

I walked threw our human made town. I noticed how quiet it is thinking the unusual. I walked some to a curve to see a limp pig and goat. I held my mouth with my paw then walked faster. I then  saw claw marks and bents with more limp bodies. I held my leg curled up with my paw seeing the brutal murder scene. Mom dad! Brother! I remembered them finally then ran home threw the cat door and too there room. I didn't see brother at all. I ran to mom and dads room to see blood covering the room and them in a blood pile. I saw a cat .  brother! That was brother!  I felt my eyes sting. I then remembered the fights he mostly had and the words he said within his room.
He zoomed at me without a thought and clawed my stomach. Not enough to kill me tho. He zoomed back to his place he was. I coughed blood then fell head first. I drooled stalvia with blood then looked up at him.

"W- *cough blood* why y-you d-did it?" I mumbled under breaths and blood.

"Listen closely Tisya, You find Mila and Bella and you kill them without mercy. If you do so your happy family and me well be normal again." He then darted at me and clawed me. A blur came and fell into darkness.

"H-huh? " I looked down at a bed then smiled. " it was just a dream!" I jumped out the ran out the room noticing a hosipal. I looked around then ran out the doors to my pack. I ran in and saw a crowed place. " Hm maybe I thought that place.." My words became faint when they disappeared and saw nothing but pure loneliness. The place still had stained blood. I stood still having my eyes stinging. " NOOOO!!!!!" I Yelled on top my lungs.

EYYYY OKSHH. Well I wanted tisya past to come some and why hes.......ye
He's kinda sad and I wanted a brother rival thing where Tisya kills Nexx :/
I didn't plan this but I was like "Hey let's kill off Nexx in a chapter!" And yeee sos later on Nexx dies but.....does he truly? Yes  why not?

Also sworry a short  chapter

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