Coming for my friend.....

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We ran far to the fact we ended up at a near clan (Village) we panted from the far run.

"C-come on guys...! W-we ain't having rest..." I gasped out.

"Clearly your weak. Come on guys a rest won't bite " we followed Socks to a room.  Big enough for us all to rest. I fell face first in a pillow and tell straight to sleep. "See Bella you did." Mumbled Socks. Tisya grabbed a blanket in his mouth and slowly putted it owhimper then did the worlds most cutest mew in my sleep following. "Milla....."
"Where gonna get him back." Tisya rested his head on mine then back away quickly to me smiling slightly.

---Next Morning---

"AHHHHH!!! WE SLEPT A NIGHT NOW MILA COULD BE DEAD!"  Socks rubbed her eyes with her tail and stared. "Mila ain't ded yet now shhh down...." Socks fell asleep and when did woke up again to me being in her face yelling. "MILA NEEDS OUR HELP SO GET YA TAIL UP." We all woke up and sat in in a cycle. "Look Bella we know your pain but for now we need a plan and search so-."  He made a sigh and summoned a wolf with two tails. "At your service." Said the wolf. He stared at us then then to Biscuit for intel.

"Thank you Ormic, This is Bella, Tisya,And Socks all in a mission to find Mila. We need you to search his scent. Bella do you have something of Mila?" I nodded then pawed out a piece of fur. Ormic sniffed it then tip his tails for us to follow. We nodded then following with a serious face. We went back to the scene of where it happened. I held back my whimper and yell. We then climbed up the cliff and Ormic stopped. "The scent faded away. No way to get it now."

"Then we'll follow tracks." I looked at the ground and saw no clue. I lost some hope in it but caught a claw print. "Guys looks here." I mewed, they padded over to see a claw print.


A peacock....with silver claws on his feet....

---End of Flash Back---

"Defea is a peacock with silver claws on his feet, no doubt he made this."

"Well let's go don't wait around, Bella!"

I did a sad nod then followed the way the claw mark point. We ran to a bridge with Boozo on it. I letted out a hiss. He turned with a big smile. "I'm sorry but can't you go past this- oh...its my students."

"Don't you dare tell us your students, You took Mila too I saw it!" I hissed.

"Well....Bella I might need to take you too...right Chibi?" A tiny dog appeared next to Boozo.

"You gotten soft after meeting those kits! Loosen up some Boozo!!!" The pup like dog jumped on Boozo and pinned him down.

"Hey! Enough missing around! I'm your target and you'll die by my paws!" I hissed at them and Chibi backed off of Boozo.

"Well your no fun! I'll fix that righttt up" He did a big smile like Boozo. With a flash they appeared behind me. "And even if you die! Fun is fun and who cares about who dies? Emerald Dragon." They smirked. "EMERALD DRAGON DIED YEARS AGO I AINT THAT NO MORE! MY CRUEL LIFE IS OVER AND AINT COMING BACK!" I yelled without a thought. I always knew what Mila truly was and I was the same....that's why I'm his friend and cared deeply for him.


A dog,rabbit, and cat was there bullying me in the Home Pack.

"Stupid Emerald dragon chose the stupidest cat in the world!" Yelled the cat he threw his claw at me. I closed my eyes but.....nothing touched me or feel but cold air.  I looked up to see a strange cat with slit eyes kinda like a dragon. "Run its the Golden Dragon!?" They ran off. He looked down with a sad look then turned to me with normal eyes. He turned to a big smile and handed a tail. My tail grabbed his and pulled me up.

"Well are you Ok?" He mewed. I felt a feeling.....a feeling I haven't felt in years. Happiness.

"Mhm!" I mewed.

"Niceee!! Wellll I'm Mila The Tom cat! A Tom got that?!"

"Right! I'm Bella the She Cat!" We smiled at eachother and both felt a happy feeling in our veins.


"ITS MY TURN TO REPAY MILA!" They smirked and kicked me across the bridge with no sign. "Bella!" Yelled Socks and Tisya.  A Green Aura curled around me and wings,slit eyes, scaled tufted ears, and tail with green appeared. I jumped at them and slashed as much as possible.  They appeared behind me again. I speaded the wings wide as possible and hitted them away, left and right. They jumped out the water and landed safe on top it. " Rest well my students." Said Boozo before went away in thin air. I turned to them seeing wide eyes. I turned normal fast.

---With Boozo---

"Ey Boozo! What happened? You made us go to base!" Yelled Chibi.

"I know I know....but something's up with those students..."

"You were a spy to make sure we marked the right target?! Did you make out with that emerald dragon or something?!"

"N-no! That's stupid you idiot!!" Boozo jumped on Chibi giving all his weight.


"Y-yes Curser..."


"O-ok"  We both mumbled.

(Happy fourth of July!!!! ;3 if I get dis wrong I'm sworry) XD

 Beyond The Animals  (Book 1 One Hundred Years Later)Where stories live. Discover now