Wrong Turn!

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We walked some to a another path leading to the forest. The poodle swayed its tail to the path. We looked at eachother from eachother then followed. "Uh....Mr poodle why were going here?" Bella mumbled to the poodle who turned with a smirk. "Well....For the fun part." He looked back and with a flash darkness came closing in me. Bella yelling my name to pure darkness and no light seen.

---Bella POV @-@---

I yelled out Mila where a gaint fog took place. I looked around for anycat. I reached a paw to feel a sinkly kind of feel. I looked up to  see a squish of a peacock and Boozo on top and disappeared with the fog. I looked up the corner of my eye to see the peacock and Boozo with Mila in the peacock's tail and climbed out on a cliff and disappeared. " MILA!!!!!" I cried out and the fog faded away by then. " WHERES MILA GO?! " I turned to Tisya who was on the ground. "T-they took him.....idk what happened....I was with Mila and something happened....." He stuttered some and I looked up with narrowed eyes. I jumped on rocks up the cliff and ran, following the faint scent. I ran as fast as I can to a dead end. By the time the scent was no more."N-no... No no no!" I cried out hitting my head on a rock with a slight bleed. I whimpered till Tisya grabbed my scruff and threw me on his back with his tail wrapped around.  I fell asleep the way back.

"M-mila...." I mumbled. "Wait!" I looked around to Tisya sitting in a chair. "Forget Bella. We well find Mila but right now its rest time.

" B-but Tisya-" I quieted to Tisya whimpering like a weak dog pup. "H-hes my comrade...and I care very much but this once......I don't wanna lose another..." He whimpered. I grabbed him close then rested my head on his. "Fine you little idiot....."

---Mila POV---
"W-what ..." I woke up with needles seem like sharp feathers, in my paws to a wall. I looked around tiredly and weak. Bella! I shot up to attention but fell weakly. God damn it....

"Anyyyy time soon and that little power is ours!" Said a voice. I turned my eyes to the voice popping a peacock. "Right right Peai.....But remember the deal with boss?" Said Boozo on top Peai head. "Fine fine..." They walked off with the leaveing claws of the peacock made of silver. "B-bella....If I d-dont make it *Cough blood* love you...."

---Bella POV---

I was hanging with Socks, and Tisya in the cat bar...thing. "Haha! So like Mila a girl or boy?" Mewed drunk Socks.
"And if a boy.....why its name sound like a girl?" She mewed again with a hiccup.

"*sigh* Socks you had to much Catnip! Take a chill pill" I mewed to the drunk Socks. "EY YOU WHO SAID I HAD TO MUCH CATNIP! EY SOMECAT HAVE A CATNIP CONTEST WITH ME!!!!" She got up and yelled. Then a tom had a catnip Contest with Socks whom, Socks won and got 10,009900 free catnip from here. We stared hopelessly for the she.

"Hey Bella." Mewed Tisya. I looked at him. "Why you care for Mila?" I looked down then ate some catnip turning drunk. Not wanting to say. "EY SOCKS I CAN BEAT YOU NOW AND HERE IN CATNIP AND STEAL ALLLLL YA CATNIP BOI!"




---TISYA POV 0-0---

My eyes widen as Bella licked my muzzle inside to my mouth. Then joined Socks.

"SO TISYA WHO DID BETTAH?!???!!?!" They yelled at me. I stared blankly as a nose bleed slowly came and red face as a tomato. I fainted.

"WAIT WHAT WE DID THAT HORRIBLE?!?! OH BOI YOU AINT MAKING THIS NIGHT ALIVE!!!!!" They yelled and joined on me clawing and punching.

---Mila POV---

Blood came straight from my mouth as the claw in the stomach wasn't enough. Not deep to kill me but deep to make me gasp for air (Dirty minded I bet) I won't make it.....but what well they do to me till that time comes....?

Bella:Hello readers! Reader chan today we have a good fact to bring within the story!

Tisya:that's right! Many questions to be asked but one thoughted the most!

Bella: What's I'm the plan of those unknown cat!



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