Author's Note

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Hey everyone, sorry if you thought this was an update. I'm trying but writers block is killing me right now. Though I am currently updating two of my other stories fairly quickly. They are, "Beneath the Eyes," and "On the Run." Please check them out, but on to the reason why I'm writing this note.

I want to enter the Wattpad Prize which you can look at the rules and everything under awards. But I was wondering if you guys think I should enter, "Kidnapped," in it? You can enter up to 3 entries and I was debating on entering my three stories in the Kidnapped series. I would love your opinions about it. And I'm close to the end of my story, "Beneath the Eyes," and was thinking about entering that one and two stories from the Kidnapped series. I would love if you guys could check out that story and let me know if I should enter it. Please comment and let me know what you think and what I should enter. I'll try and update this story, but I d have writers block and its really making me mad.

ALSO: The Wattpad Prize judges on grammar too so if anyone is an editor and would like to help me look over, "Kidnapped." I would be so thankful!!! Thanks everyone and sorry for this long note.

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