Catherine and Jim

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It was pitch dark out and even the streetlights were out. This just made my plan easier. I was sitting in front of Jim and Catherine’s house, which was at least a mile from their nearest neighbor. I guess they wanted privacy and isolation from people, which was fine by mean. That just mean I wouldn’t have to be as careful when fulfilling my plan. No one would be able to hear their screams and cries, since it was almost midnight and they didn’t live near anyone.

            I got out of my car and shut the door quietly, not wanting to alert them that I was there. My disguise was off now and they would surely recognize me. I tiptoed my way to their front door and kneeled down to pick the lock. I could pick almost any lock, learning to from the internet and from the police academy. Within seconds, I picked the lock and was inside the darkened house. They had to be home, probably sleeping since it was late at night.

            The home was a simple place, nothing too fancy, but nothing trashy. I could hear the snores of Jim coming from upstairs. This was going to be fun. I slowly crept my way up the stairs and knew I needed to tie Jim down because he was ex military and would be a struggle if I didn’t take him down before I started my plan. I wore a backpack with everything I needed inside. I pulled out my gun, just in case either of them woke up.

            I pulled out a set of handcuffs and silently walked into the darken bedroom when the couple was sleeping. I attached on handcuff to the bed frame and the other to the wrist of Jim. When I did that, his eyes opened and he sat up. He yanked on the handcuff and said, “What the hell!” I backed away just as Catherine woke up.

            “What’s wrong, Jim?” She asked, groggily.

            “I’ll tell you what’s wrong.” I said, turning on the lights, blinding them.

            “What’s wrong is that you two are cowards and are selfish bastards.” I snarled.

            Both of their eyes widened as they saw who I was. Catherine let out a scream and was about to get up before I said, “I suggest you stay down and there is no need to scream, not yet at least.” I said, showing her my gun.

            Catherine stayed down on the bed, which was smart of her. Jim yanked on the handcuff and I rolled my eyes at his stupidity, he wasn’t getting out and if he did, I would shoot him. Then the unexpected happened.

            “Is anyone there?” A young child’s voice asked.

            “Who the hell is it?” I whispered as I headed for the hallway.

            “It’s our neighbors, daughter. They went out of town so we were watching her.” Jim replied, a worried expression on his face.

            “When she comes in here, tell her to listen to me and that I’m a friend and if you don’t I won’t hesitate to kill her.” I snarled as I turned to see a little girl about four walk into the bedroom.

            “Jimmy? Who is this?” She asked, hiding behind the door.

            “He’s a friend of ours, so you can listen to him.” Jim replied calmly.

            “Hey, can you go down stairs for a minute, we were just having a conversation. I’ll be down in a minute to show you something cool.” I said, trying to keep the girl calm and not scared of me.

            “Okay!” She cheered as she walked down the stairs.

            I turned back to them and frowned at how messed up this plan had gone. I had planned on torturing them for hours upon hours, but that has changed. Now I have to go with a new plan that I created. I walked over to Catherine and she whimpered. I handcuffed her to the bedpost and said, “If you guys try anything I will kill that girl and I’m sure you don’t want that.”

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