May 2nd, 2012

365 5 1

My uncle Rick is coming down from Idaho - my grandma's brother, whom we hate because he's a selfish prick cunting asshole who stole from Gram and only cares about what he could gain from her death. I mean seriously, he didn't even come down to see her before she died, and now...

Anyway, he's coming down which means that there's going to be a shit load of serious fights, let me explain the subject of said fights. Property. My Gram and Papa own thier house, as well as mine, and the two houses behind ours. We're pretty sure Rick is going to try and take at least half of the property some how, never mind that legally he has no say in anything. They removed him from the will, he has no power over the trust, only my grandma and mother do. 

Now, obviously, if Rick gets his way we could end up losing our home - again -  and Dakota, Erin and I, as well as Megan because she lives in one fo the back homes, will have to live with our father. Not a bad thing, but that means he'd have to look for a new place, which he cannot afford and falala.

If our mother cannot keep us God only knows what that will do to her, she loses her marbles when we're off camping for a week, nevermind no longer living with her. That's another worry. 

You know what's so overwhelmingly pathetic that I cannot even stand to say it? The fact that a family member, someone that is supposed to care about you and love you may possibly be willing to through his niece and her kids out of their house just because he wants it. 

But that's my mother's side for you, so grossly fucked up it's too sad to go into details about. 

We've lived in this little shit hole for two years, it's a mess, it's falling down and it leaks but it's our shit hole. It's our home, not anyone else's ours. I don't want to move again, I don't want to go back to sleeping on couches and just staying in someone else's home. I don't want to be seperated from my mother. I want something in my life to remain constant. 

But what scares me more than any of this is being seperated from siblings again. Erin and Megan living with Dad was so painful, seeing them maybe once a week was almost more than I can stand. 

I just hope that Rick has a shread of a soul left and just decideds to let all of this go. But that is unlikely. 

I'm tired of so much of my life being out of my control, in someone else's hands. 

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