Feb 21st, 2012

440 5 0

I must, again, urge all of you to read every work of Johh Green that you can get your hands on. It is a must. I spent a  good amount of today reading quotes from The Fault In Our Stars, Paper Towns, Looking For Alaska, Will Grayson, will grayson. I was completely blown away by this man's utter brilliance. 

This man  is why I write. He is my single greatest insperation, and he has changed my life. If I can publish anything that is even 1/10 as amazing as his works, my life will be completed.

I don't really have any great personal thing to talk about today, nor anything transgender related, for that I feel bad. But I'm trying to fiind the right muse for the first ever sex scene in Look Alive Sunshine, and tthat is taking up most of my energy, as well as school work.

I'm trying really hard to get everything finished by June, so my greatgrandma can see me graduate. She's dead set on having a party in June, and if I don't graduate while she's still alive, I'll never forgive myself.

Haven't heard from Kevin in two days. Fuckbag.

Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale

Your score was 78.

Scores in the 75 - 80 range indicate extreme Anxiety levels.


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