September Song [ Yoongi ]

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04 September

15 years old

The night she first met Min Yoongi, the love of her life. He wasn't the one she always dreamt about- in fact, he was the opposite.

He didn't know all the songs from the Beatles album she always loved because he prefered Elvis. He wasn't the type to feed her food but instead she feed him, and he wasn't the type to hug her when she sleeps because he's a nocturnal person.

Somehow, though he had so much flaws, for her, he was perfect. No one could ever replace him. He was her irreplaceable gem. She love him, and he loved her.

07 September

21 years old

The day he proposed to her. The same day she gave birth to their baby girl. They knew it was each other forever or nothing. They complimented each other so much. They were perfect.

10 September

22 years old

Their wedding day. The day she walked down the aisle. The day she always dreamt of.  The day they promised each other to be there for each other through thick and thin, in sickness and in health. This was it, their true love story has officially begun.

19 September

27 years old

The day she was diagnosed with cancer. Devastating. She had tears in her eyes and so did he. He had never imagined his life without his greatest love. He was shaking, unstable and unable to breathe. He didn't want to ever lose her.

25 September

31 years old

He thanked God she lasted for 4 more years. 4 more years of happiness and love. 4 more years of fighting and make up sex, And 4 more years of him holding her hand. Until her last breathe, he sat beside her, holding her hand. Yoongi kept her warm. Yoongi was the first person to make her heartbeat fastly and the last. He was her man. The last words he ever heard from her were "you are my world". And it broke him.

13 September

80 years old

Here he stands, 80 years young. No doubt he started his life at an early age. He had no regrets. He had lost the love of his life so quickly, but he remained strong. he was alone for 49 years but he was alright. He loved her too much to replace her.

"Hello, Y/N, my love. I miss you"

He whispers against the concrete where her name was written

Ahn Y/N

"I love you forever, my September Song"

He says , placing a hand on her name before his vision clears out. He'd love her forever, till death do they part.

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