About Our Night [ Taehyung ]

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Hwarang AU


You were patiently waiting outside the Hwarang house. Your boyfriend, Taehyung, also known as the original Hwarang's Hanseong's twin brother.

You sigh and sit behind the tree where you and Taehyung met 9 months before he was chosen to replace his brother.

"Heart? Jagiya?"

You hear a faint whisper from behind.

You quickly flash you flashlight as a signal, making him successfully fond you.

"I've missed you so much"

He whispers softly as he holds you close in his arms.

"I've missed you so much too, Tae. but we need to get out of here before the guards catch you sneaking outㅡ again."

you tell him softly and he chuckles, nodding before pulling you to the town.

Today, the town held a lantern festival. There were alot of different coloured lanterns and little boutiques and stalls.

You walked beside Taehyung, hand in his.

"We've got until, midnight. What do you want to do?"

Taehyung asks you with a cheeky smile and you smile back.

"I found a little activity by the river, they were designing their on lanterns and lit them up as soon as the finish. The elderly told me that if your lanter successfully flies, you wish comes true"

You tell him with much excitement.

He beams at you and gives a small nod.

"let's get going then"

He says before he pulls you.

You soon reach the area, Taehyung immediately runs across to claim lanterns for the both of you. You smile and follow him.

He happily get the lanterns from the middle aged woman, obviously careful of not making much eye contact.

He wasn't wearing his Hawarang uniform but he was afraid someone would notice him.

"Here are our lanterns, one for you and one for me"

He says enthusiastically, making you grin.

You both start to decorate your lanterns with all the supplies beside the booth. You laugh and joke about the most random things until you both finish. Tae finishes first and you come after. You decided to scribble a little love note for Taehyung that only the gods above (or below if it doesn't takes flight) would see. Taehyung locks his fingers in between yours, squeezing the two hands tight

You walk over the river and starr at the stars over head.

"Ready to make that wish?"

Taehyung whispers and you nod. You place the lanterns aside and take his other hand in yours. You were now staring at each other

Forehead to forehead

Nose to nose

It was very much cliche but it was the higlight of that moment. You both slowly close your eyes

You take a deep breath and sent a wish.

As soon as you both decided you were okay, you unclasp your hands and pick up the specialized lanterns.

You light the lantern and lift it up, letting it go. Taehyung does the same.

Both your lanterns fly successfully. You look at him with a smile and he does the same.

"I can't wait for those wishes to come true"

He tells you, placing his fingers on your chin.

"Neither do I"

You reply.

You both then dive in to a loving kiss.

As you both pull away, you start walking back to where you were. He walks you back to your house with a sweet smile on his face.

"Today was fun"

He tells you, hands secured behind him swaying akwardly.

I agree. Thank you for sneaking out for me."

You say and you grin

"I'd do, anything just to see you smile"

He cheesily says and you hit his chest playfully.

You both stare at each otherovingly for a good 5 minutes. You decided that it was late so you ask him to go back

"Go head back now, the other Hwarangs are probably waiting for you."

You say and he scratches the back of his neck

"Yeah, I guess I should."

He says and you nod

"Bye, Tae"

You say and kiss his cheek


He replies with a cute smile and turns to walk away.

You watching walk farther away from you and as soon as he reaches the end of your street, he looks back at you and you shout

"Don't get caught!"

He flaunts his box smile at you and salutes cheekily.

You shake your head walk inside of your home. You sure can't wait to see him again.


You hear a grumpy voice deeply say, you slowly lift your head and you see your Dad looking at you angrily.

You sheepishly smile and he starts to lecture you about going out to town with a Hwarang.

Well, maybe you do have to wait.


I'm the buggest Hwarang fangirl so if you don't know which episode I got this from then go away. The scene isn't exactly the same but it has a touch of it.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this! Thank you for requesting.

PS. Pray for me & my tickets please. I really want to see them so please pray tha I get my tickets.

BTS ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora