Chapter 43

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It was sunny and the two laid on the hill grass. Animals slowly start to surrounded the two. "Kai Li" Jackson had his arms wrapped around her. "Hmm" she hummed. "I am never going to leave you never in my life. You can't leave me either, you are mine you will always be by me" he paused to pull her face to his "so please make me one promise to stay by me and trust and to not think about me leaving you because I will never leave you" she looked at him being honest about his feeling. She looked at his lips and eyes he looked up at her. "You promise me right" he moved her hair out of her face. "I promise but please don't leave me" she said back. "I won't I promise" he pulled her close and kissed her lips.  He tasted the cherry coming off of her. She never ran out her obsessive taste. She kissed him back wrapping her arms around him. The sparks and butterflies went in both of them. Jackson blood flowed faster than ever she was his healing medicine all he needed was her. "I love you" he said between their breathes. She just smiled at him.

It's 6:00pm and Jackson and Kai Li started to leave for their date. The drive to the city was crowded on the bus, as Kai Li and Jackson had to stand up to let two elders sit. Kai Li stood still until Jackson told her to move near his chest. A middle age man was right next to her and from looking at it early he was harassing a woman so just to be safe Jackson held Kai Li near him. That didn't mean it stopped the man. Jackson was looking at a picture on Kai Li's phone as she scrolled through her phone. When in the corner of his eye the guy placed his hand on Kai Li's thigh. She turned around "excuse me" she looked at the man confused. "Sorry I must have missed the pole" the man said. She turned around and looked at Jackson, who was a little angry. The man went for another go "sir the pole is right here not her" he grabbed the mans hand and placed it on the pole. "I am sorry and who are you" the man was disrespectful. "I am her boyfriend and if I see you try touching her again I will punch you" he said protective. Kai Li was confused about the entire situation. He got caught and got off the bus the next stop. "You have a great man there young lady" the elder that sat in Kai Li's seat said. "Oh thank you" she bowed in respects. Jackson just turned and blushed a little. Kai Li just laughed at him. She hugged him in a cute way. "What's this all about" he looked at her surprised being cute. "Because you are handsome and I just want to hug you" she looked at him blinking her eyes. He looked down and just laughed at her cuteness. He missed it when she felt happy and herself around him. She was cute and finally filled with life.

They got off the crowded bus and Kai Li saw a familiar place. "The amusement park" she said excited. She looked like a kid excited. "Come on" he said putting his arms over her shoulders and she walked with him. "I thought you hated roller coasters" she played around with fingers. "I fell in love with them for some reason" he pulled her close. The two didn't even care about the people around them. After riding rides they went to a ice cream shop in the park. They sat on a bench in front of a pack of wolves laying done together. "So what did they say" he whispered in to her ear. She had a smirk " they said wow look at that pretty girl next to the boy I wish she was a wolf" she made up to joke around. Jackson got jealous and stood up "she is taken sorry" he yelled at them. But once he sat done two male wolves whined and made noise at him. He was going to kiss Kai Li but she laughed when he turned around with a odd face. "They said "we are cuter" she laughed seeing how the wolves played along with the plan. "I am your wang puppy" he said raising his eyebrows and smiling at her cute. She laughed and was finally enjoying herself and so was he, they both laughed together. Jackson looked at her smile he  was mischievous she slowly laughed as he was just staring at her "what" she was surprised. "Jackson what Oh My God do I have something on my face" she pushed to hear a laugh escape from him "you jerk you should have told me, where are the napkins" she looked everywhere but she stopped when her face was close to Jacksons. He used his thumb to wipe off the spot on her lips. He came close and kissed her as he moved back he saw her cheek turn red. "Chocolate with a hint of cherry" it came out of him in a sexy way which made a Kai Li turn more red. He just laughed at her. Pulling her in for a another kissed this time she kissed him back she had no control it was her body that moved with his. Jackson stopped when being frightened by two wolves close to the gate growl at him. "Geez" he jumped and she smiled at him. "They said go get a room" she giggled soft. "Fine we will after we see the light show" he stick his tongue out to the wolves and Kai Li still didn't know anything about the surprise. The wolves just puffed at him. He grabbed Kai Li's hand walking away. The two walked and watched show when a certain dark house appeared. It was the haunted house. "Nope" they both kept walking not even looking back.

They made their way to the front park as it's close to Christmas. Kai Li leaned her on Jackson that when the light show started it was so breath taking that she stood up straight. He saw her admiring the lights that the light show didn't show much interest to him than what Kai Li did. "It's so beautiful" the words came out softly. She looked at him staring at her "look at the lights not me" she pointed at the lights. He came close to her ear "your more beautiful" he made her blush. Her body just moved and hugged him which he hugged her back. "I love you" he placed a kiss on her head. "I love you too" she said back.

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