Chapter 18

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Kai Li and Yuri went around the woods in the rain to cool off. Kai Li knew that Jackson had already gotten home and might have figured out that she wasn't there. She new he was going to look for her. She started to walk back to the cabin. She was not to pleased to go back as she knew what happened. Everyone was in the living room  and the girls finally arrived. The boys all walked to them calm but Kai Li ignored them Jackson was not to pleased that she had gone home alone. "I told you to wait" his anger filled the room. "Well you were taking long so I didn't want to wait" she respond with attitude. Kai Li was a little tick off by his tone as he spoke to her. She wasn't dating him so she doesn't understand his or her relationship quit yet as they have kissed before and the only way she can sleep is with him. She was still herself and she can still do what she wants. "Okay then why did you come late?" He questioned her actions. "Because I was just walking around." She answers with chill making her way to the kitchen to get a glass of water. "What" he got angry. Jackson really cared about Kai Li and was growing feeling for her so he didn't want her to get hurt especially when he doesn't know when the council might strike again. "I said that I went for a small walk don't worry I wasn't alone I was with Yuri" she said angry and annoyed. Jackson walked up to her. "You really are an airhead sometimes you know." "Excuse me" she was now fierce and look at him in the eyes. "Yes everything might be calm right now but you don't know when those bastards might come back and your here walking around like if nothing." She was at her limit today. "Listen I understand what type of state I am in and I am grateful that you are being nice but understand that you are not in charge of me and the actions that I do so back off and relax" she yelled frustrated at him. The two were yelling at each other and arguing Yuri didn't look at the boys but they looked at her confused. "Listen, I am sorry if I come of a little bossy but I really do care about you and I want you to be safe." He moved closer to her. They were so close that she is short were she raised her head up "huh care about me, how about you go back to camp and make out with Rave again" she yelled pushing him. Everything went silent and everyone was speechless Yuri stood up concerned. A giggle came out of Kai Li a couples seconds "what am I saying I'm not even your girlfriend. Sorry but tonight I will sleep at the cave don't worry I will walk further down into it so no one will find me bye" she pushed him out of the way and grabbed her jacket and walked out the door. "You made out with Rave?" JB broke the silence when the girls left. Jackson was so spaced out that he knew he screwed up. "Fuck she saw" he looked down disappointed. "Wait you did?" Mark said a little louder. "No. I mean yes, but she's the one who threw herself at me. I was forced".

"So that's what happened." The boys sighed. "But she just kissed me out of no where I think she did it to get to Kai Li because I was really confused now I know." He spoke. "What should I do?" He asked help from the boys. "Can I ask you something?" Jinyoung speaks out. Jackson gave a confused face. "Do you have feelings for her?"

"Someone is jealous" Yuri spoke out in the cold cave. "What?" Kai Li questions her. The girls grabbed one of the rug that were not ripped from the fight and laid on the cold floor. All Kai Li had was her jacket which was given to her by Jackson when he noticed that she kept wearing his jacket. "Your jealous. I mean I would have never thought that you would get angry like that." she turned to face Kai Li. "I am not jealous I was just pissed off" she responded turning away from Yuri. "Do you like Jackson?" Yuri asked "what no, I don't know, whatever, I am tired" she couldn't speak fluently.

Next morning the girls went to training but Kai Li felt awkward about what had happened last night. She felt tired she couldn't get one second of sleep she was sleepy and weak. Her head was aching. It's been a while since she had a bad sleep. She spotted Jackson and the boys from a far. Her body moved quick and turned around. She was dizzy. Not far the boys spotted Kai Li but she quickly turned around Jackson didn't know what to say he looked depressed. But it didn't take them long to stop in each of their steps when he felt something weird happened get to her she was dizzy and he could feel it. Kai Li looked up to see Rave and her groups of low lives. "Hey Kai Li what's up" Rave gave a small push. Kai Li collapsed to the ground. It didn't take Yuri a second to attack her. Rave used her powers and threw Yuri towards a tree. She jump off back to Rave and bit her arm, but Rave had a hold on her front left leg and broke it. Rave new Kai Li weakness now it was fear of being weak. "So you are weak." Rave laughs walking away. Kai Li didn't wake up. "Kai Li wake up " Yuri yelled crying out. Jackson saw it all but didn't go near because if she saw him even close to Rave for any reason it would be worse. He knew Rave figured Kai Li out. People surrounded it didn't take long for yuri to heal. "Kai Li get up" she cried. Jackson couldn't hold it in anymore and ran towards them when finally hearing cries. "What happened?" He panicked into concern. " I don't know she won't get up." Yuri crys. Jackson looked at her with no color she was restless. She was coming down with a fever. "She's fine"he relaxed after touching her forehead and side neck. "What no she's not help her" she yelled. "Yuri look she just has a fever you both decided to sleep in the cave last night with nothing but just a jacket and it was raining she's just tired and has a fever." He said to calm her down. " so what do we do" they boys came to help as Yuri asked. " what are talking about she has to rest and drink medicine." Jinyoung answered. "I will take her back home you guys go on a head we have to even talk" Jackson carried her on his back.

Back at the camp Jackson and Kai Li were absent but the boys did defend both of them by training Rave and her lowlives harder then ever. "Stop this thing is't going to kill us" Hani yells out has they jump around dodging beams. "Nah we're actually enjoying and we believe you need more training" Bambam leaning back on the wall fist bumping Yuri's paw.

At home Jackson laid Kai Li in his bed. He took her shoes off and pulled a blanket over her. He walked down to the kitchen to do as Jinyoung said. Early Jinyoung stated "get hot water and a rag, soak the rag and take the excess water out put the rag gently on her forehead and pat it every now and then. There also should be medicine in the cabinet have her take that until I get back".
Jackson went back to the room and did as he was told. He was lucky Jinyoung new medicine very well. Jackson sat next her and touch her hand and the side of her neck she was cold. He wanted her to wake up so he can confess and tell her about the misunderstand. He was always on his toes when it came to her. He had never imagined that one night a guy needed to go use the restroom he would meet the goddess of his life. She meant a lot to him. He thought back to the action that Rave did which was weird why would she bumped into Kai Li in the morning. Did she want to see her weak. Well for now the important thing is she is back and in his bed. "Cute" he said looking at her sleep quietly. He admired her even in her sleep.

It's about noon now Jackson had made himself a sandwich cut in half and went back to his room he laid in BamBams bed watching Kdramas and shows. Every few minutes he check up on Kai Li and changed out the rag and water. She moved a couple a times but really not that much. "It's lunch I know that you are not going to go a day without eating" Jackson said looking hopelessly toward her. Jackson knew it was going to be okay but he felt helpless. He doesn't know what is going on.
A small peep of light came through Kai Li's eyes. Barley opening but she can see a roof. She was burning up and felt weak. She moves her head to see Jackson holding is phone watching something. She concluded that she was back at the cabin. She was also really hungry. But she was still mad she couldn't think straight. Does she like Jackson. Well she likes him for caring and loving her for who she is, not for her powers. She was confused and stressed. With lies and memories of the past. She look up back at him. She was mad at him but happy that he was next to her.

She sat up after looking at him watching something. Jackson heard sheets moving and turned to look at Kai Li's hand on her forhead. He soon dropped everything and walked over to the end of the bed. He grabbed the towel out of her hand "let me see" he put his hand over her forhead and the other on her neck. A small cough came out of her. "Jackson" she called out as he was picking up the bowl and towel. "Huh" he responded. "I am sorry" she said weak he looked shocked with his eyes wide open. "I am sorry I shouldn't haven't gone mad like that. I mean if you like her that's your business-" Kai Li was cut off as her lips were touching Jackson's. She was shocked and surprised. He cupped her face and pulled her in closer. Kai Li didn't back away and closed her eyes and let him kiss her to their last breathe. Jackson slowly and took a taste of each inch of her lips. He back off slowly where the breathe were together. "I love you not her" he said gently. She looked at him with her eyes opened. Her heart beated faster then ever. Her cheek flowed with a peach color of blush. Kai Li felt butterflies but soon felt a sensation in her body. She sneezed in a cute high voice. Jackson just smiled afterwards. She looked up at him. She was still sick but felt a little better not as much as she was confused. "But what about-" she was intruppted again by Jackson. "She forced it on me she saw you walking out and got to you through me. I promise I won't get fooled again I felt like taking her head and ripping it off when she did it I also felt pain when I was sleeping last night I didn't know if you were safe or not." He kept talking looking at Kai Li eye to eye. He was hurt and didn't feel like himself every time he see pain in Kai Li. He wanted to punch the person who was hurting her. He looked down in disappointment for being tricked and hurting Kai Li. She was speechless she didn't know how much he cared about her. She liked him  but was not sure if he liked her but he didn't like her he loved her. She cupped his face to have him look at her. She look at him and smiled. She gave him a hug there were no words for love just passion. He was shocked but relax has he felt her embrace. They both let go and Jackson moved some of her messy hair out of her face. She was beautiful "now lay down". She grabbed his hand to stop and nodded no "I am hungry." He looked at her and laughed he grabbed his other half of the sandwich that he didn't eat
"here I will bring water." He gave her his sandwich.
"Ah your the best thank you" she smiled at him.

So I am trying follow people but for some reason my Account won't let me can someone help thank you and enjoy the new chapter 🦋🐆✨

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