Chapter 5

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Kai Li walked in pain to the cabin. As she shows up Suzy and Hani are standing outside with her stuff.
"Sleep outside hoe" Suzy said as she threw her stuff. They walked away pushing Kai Li. Jackson at that time is with the boys sitting in their cabin far from the camp.
"Hey so what the heck happened to you out there you kinda shocked us for the first" Mark says
"She's crazy. She went into your head" BamBam says with concern
"I honestly don't know. But remember why we are here we are just here to do our mission beside there will be a war soon with humans and is that are supernaturals" JB answers back
Jackson just thinking what happened to his mind. What is she? Only goddess can do that type of spell. he stood up making his way to the door and walked making his way to the emergency tent in the camp. He walked to the tent but was stopped when he noticed the council men acting funny. He stopped and looked at them holding Kai Li's file.
"What the heck why do they have that. Whatever they probably are putting the file of her injured from today" he thought to himself.
He soon reach the tent and asked the nurse which room Kai Li might be in her face lit up in shocked. She shook her head and said "why would that thing be here? listen if you don't wanna die I would stay away from her" Jackson looked shocked from what the nurse said but what hit him more was that Kai Li wasn't at the emergency tent.
Walking a couple of step to the exit door he turned around and told the nurse " hey remember that your a thing too, in this world nobody will accept a supernatural like you so be careful " walking away the nurse just got angry. Jackson kept walking until he remembered a place. "her cabin she is probably there resting" he thought out loud. walking his way to her cabin he saw Hani and Suzy and Rave. He didn't go up to them and just kept walking. He finally made up to the cabin but he only saw three beds. He ran back to the girls. "Hey guys where is Kai Li I thought her cabin is up here"
"Oh it is but she changed her sleeping arrangements" Suzy says
"Oh really so it wasn't you" he answers back with an uneasy mood.
"What no way, listen I don't know who you think you are and I don't care leave us alone and don't get us involved with Kai Li " Rave answers. Jackson just gave them a look and walked away. Looking everywhere he went back to his cabin. He was thinking about everyplace that she would be.
"Yo I heard there's this cave not far from here lets go sometime when we are done and chill" BamBam said.
"Wait did you say cave?" Jackson ran to BamBam
"Yea I said lets-"
"Don't care I have to go "

Jackson ran to the cave that Kai Li told him to go to. He really didn't know if she was there but it's a place that she goes a lot to, from judging her actions the last time.
Once he got to the cave he saw puddles of blood in front. The only thing that is going through his mind is something that he doesn't want to see and that's her covered in her own blood.
"Kai Li, KAI LI, KAI LI " Jackson screams
"Jackson what did those weapons have on them" she tells him in his mind.
Jackson was surprised that she pulled off the same spell but instead of asking how can you do that ,these words came out "I don't know where are you. You need to get medical attention"
" that's weird I have never gotten medical attention unless I am sick" again she says through the mind.
"That's not important I need to know where you are at"
" I am in the dark I don't kno-" this time say out loud and while going unconscious.
"NO NO Kai Li talk one more time please. Wait I think I can sense you give me a sec"
Using his powers he detects her faster than anybody else.
Jackson bumps into her and soon carries her up.
"Kai Li Kai Li stay awake please okay we will ...ahh" he screams in pain.
"What the "
"her blood burned me, what is this her blood or something" he thought to himself.
"Kai Li get up let me cover you in this blanket"
"Yoona my mother, Yoona what do I do ,Yoona ,Yoona" she kept repeating.
He looked back at her with his eyes open he couldn't believe what she was saying. His mind was lost until she stopped he soon notice that her eyes were not opened.
"Shit Kai Li stay awake" he picked her up and ran to the camps emergency.
"Wait if I take her there they won't help her. who is nice to Kai Li" thinking back to the camp leader which he thought "wait isn't he like a father to her" he quickly ran.

Supernatural stuff 🦄

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