Chapter 22

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It's been a week now and Kai Li and Jackson both have decided to go to meet the old lady on the weekend. They would leave Friday and be back by sunday. Jackson wants her to enjoy her time out side the camp. For the past week they also been staying home with the boys and canceled training for the week. The boys knew about Kai Li and Jackson but not Yuri, she was clueless. Jackson laid his head on Kai Li's lap watching tv while she played the same phone game. "Ugh" she put her phone down. "What you lost again" he smirked. "Yes leave me alone" she potted looking at the tv. He moved his head and pulled her head down. "You won me" he kissed her in the lips. She kissed him back. They let go, and she was red again and Jackson just smiled. "We're dating you can't say no" he whispered in her ear she got more fluster moving up looking at the tv. "Your so annoying" she said making her and him laugh.
"What with them two, they are closer than ever" Yuri asking.
"Haha your really clueless" Youngjae laughed.
"Huh" she said
"Yuri it's all over their faces" JB said petting her head.
"Love" Mark said. Her face opened up. "Their dating, can't you tell" BamBam said next. She was shocked. It was true they two made it official. Kai Li was happy he was her first and she's praying that he is her last and live life with him. He was happy that there was a goddess with a kind heart and a strong personality. She was his and he was hers.

Jackson and Kai Li finally headed off to the city. She carried her black small back purse and Jackson carried his and her duffle bags. They finally came out of the woods and made their way to the bus stop. They sat towards the back of the bus. Kai Li looked out the window and Jackson was tired so he leaned his head on her shoulder. What questions and answers will they come upon on. Will she have peace and happiness. Will she protect everyone she loves. She was a goddess but didn't know how strong her powers were. She had to discover her form. She spoke with her mother for the first time. They finally made it to the hotel they were going to stay at. Kai Li looked to her side and woke Jackson up "we're here get up."
"5 more minutes" he hugged around her waist.
"alright let's go I don't want you to nag at me" he grabbed her hand and she had a smirk of victory. They checked in their room. He took the key and Kai Li's hand making their way to their room. "Wow this is so pretty!" she said surprised. "This looks a little to cozy" he said. "Huh this is fine I mean look at the view" she said looking outside. Jackson came from behind her and gave her a back hug. Kai Li's heart skipped a beat at the random action. "I mean, it's a little to cozy to have fun tonight" he was teasing her. "Don't even think about it" she turned around wrapping her arms around his neck. "You know you have become a little bit more confident" he kept smirking and enjoying each of her features. Her smile which shine brighter than a star. Her brown eyes looking like the the world. And her body fit his perfectly. "I feel happy" she said a bright smile.
"It must be because me"
"no it's because of us your so selfish." She said annoyed.
"Hey you know when your in goddess form you kinda look ... sexy" he whispered close to her ear.
"You ruined the moment come let's go look for this lady." She let go and walked away heading towards the door. He pulled her back to his chest only breathes away. He wanted to stay by her and kiss her for days. The both got closer to each other's lips. Their lips moved in sync and brushed off. They couldn't stop kissing. Jackson pulled away first and kissed her for head. "Come on let's go eat before we start looking." She nodded in agreement. They walked the streets after eating try to get Kai Li's memory back. "I think I went this way" she pointed left. "We have been there already. Here let's take a brake" he walked her to a bench. The have been holding hands to make sure not to get lost. "Ugh" is all that can come out of her mouth. He looked her looking at the streets and looking at the street lights shine her face. He looked down to his hands they were locked together with hers. He played with her hands. He couldn't even think about finding that women all he can think about was being with Kai Li and her being his. "I remember now" she jumped up Jackson was startled. She dragged him to the direction. The both ran to a small shop where an old lady stood selling perfumes. "We did it" she said. The two walked up to the store. The lady had a perfume bottle in one hand and another under displaying it. Kai Li walked up to her and said "excuse me do you remember me" the lady turned around looking up and down at Kai Li. "Yes you too are the god and goddess" she responded. Both Kai Li and Jackson looked at her confused on how she knew. "Sorry but do you know us" Jackson soon got curious.  "Come on in children" she said opening the door for them.

Jackson and Kai Li were both in a back room with a table and the lady sitting on the other side. It was small and smelled like strong perfume. It was quiet the lady just stared at them. It was awkward. Jackson just got annoyed and wasting time but Kai Li had to get answers. He kept his cool leaned on his chair. "Don't get to comfortable young man" the lady eye balled him, he sat straight up. "Listen we need to asking you something" Kai Li started the conversation.
"Are you a Goddess my child?" she asks. She was caught off guard "huh oh ... yes I am".
"Then why do you think you are weak and deserve no happiness" she leaned back asking Kai Li.
"Excuse me" Kai Li got a pool of emotions when she asked.
"My child are you weak" she asked. "I mean ... I don't know" she looked a depressed Jackson looked at her sad he got a little depressed. The lady grabbed a plastic toy hammer and hit her in the head. "Ouch" she whined. Jackson eyes opened wide "what the heck" is all that came out of his mouth. Kai Li rubbed the spot that hurt most. "You need to learn who you are" the lady nagged. "That's why I am here today can you please help me answer some question"
"Oh you have questions okay then I answer"
"Okay so what-"
"I am one of the human councilors for taking care of humans against super being like you. But it wasn't to long ago just before you two were born were the humans signed a treaty with the most powerful super beings "the Gods and Goddess" they actually want to protect and show us values in life but their was a person getting away. A man which had a witch has a daughter. You probably don't remember because she took your memory but you and your mom were together at a point until you both split up in the fight."
"Yes a fight which got your mother in trouble with the humans until we catch that man that took you she can't prove her innocence so her punishment was to not see you. Now the Gods sent seven boys down to the camp one of them being a God himself and him sitting next to you"
"Yes they were sent here to kill the man because Gods discovered that he was taking your power and you didn't notice it but you were slowly dying. But when I saw you I knew I recognized you and decided to plant my face into your memory. Soon I spoke with your mother she told me to tell you everything that you are the strongest that you are no slave and that she was sorry. Both of you must kill that man or he will harm both humans and super beings. She also said she loves you and she is happy that now you have friends, she wants to see your beautiful smile, so this is where Jackson comes in"
"Huh me" he said
"Yes train Kai Li, help her be in touch with her goddess side I will help too so starting now you will be meeting me at my cabin which is not too far from yours"
"Is there anything that is left that we need to know"
"I don't know your mother said that we will encounter many things that have still been untold".

Blonde Jackson or Dark hair Jackson? To be honest I like them both 🖤

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