Chapter 12

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"Alright then now that we have apologized to each other go have fun." Looking up Yuri adds "damn I sound like a mother"
"Well if it helps you are like a mom taking care of this one" BamBam stood up as he puts his arm around Kai Li.
After the argument Kai Li let go of Jackson she told him that she had to talk to Yuri before leaving. Jackson let her go to talk to Yuri. Kai Li found her in the corner curled up and the boys were around trying to cheer her up and help her. She slowly walk into the house. She ask the boys if they can be alone for one moment. They both talked after showing each other their tears. It was at that moment when Kai Li said that Yuri was more like a mother to her, that's she knew yuri wasn't trying to hurt her. The boys just laughed and Jackson worries were all gone but he still had a small nerve with the man they were talking about earlier.

"We will and we will keep her safe" JB yelled back. The one thing they had to do was go through the camps protective barrier which you need a spell charm from the council. But the boys had a trick up their sleeve. It wasn't to long that they were in the road side at the bus stop. Grabbing Jinyoung hands Kai Li pulled him away from the group.
"Hey I don't think I can do this can you just tell Yuri and Jackson that I felt bad" Kai Li whispers to his ear.
"No, don't go listen just give it a try stay a bit okay at least the bus ride" he whispered back.
"No I can't I am not good with people-" she let out a small scream when Jinyoung gave her a push and pulled her towards the upcoming bus. Before getting on the bus he connected her hand to Jacksons. Jackson looked up at Jinyoung as Jinyoung told him how she wanted to go home. Jackson gave a small smirk at her and pushed her up the bus having her try to fight her way but it was to late she sat window seat and next to her was Jackson and boys laughing. All she was think about was how crowds would be and how she will react.
"Can we just go back and watch kdramas or something." She stuttered.
"Your going to like it, relax" Jackson told holding on to her hand. She felt relax to have some care about her.
"Yeah and aren't you into music well this place will a lot more music." Mark added on. People started to come aboard.
"Oh my god" she leaned into Jackson shoulders try to hide herself. "Hahaha" boys just kept laughing. Jackson thought how cute she was to be scared of people. She's never been out or around this many people.
Looking out the window she saw people walking and building and busy life. She saw some kids play outside basketball. Everything was like a new world for her. Everyone was enjoying themselves. The bus finally stop were boys wanted to take her.
"Wow so that's how it feels to be on bus going and coming back from work haha" Kai Li stretched her body laughing.
"You see that wasn't so bad" Yugyeom says. Jackson taking her hand. Kai Li looked up to see a amusement park.
"Wait" stopping everyone from their steps.
"I want to take a picture I don't have any only one but of me and Yuri can we take one" she said nervously.
Mark took the phone from her hand " your a funny girl come on get in "
All of them bunched up together to fit in the screen while smile. Entering the amusement park they walked around and look at the animals where in the gorilla den their was a window space they were the only ones their.
Two gorilla were yelling at each other well that's what it sounded to other but not Kai Li. "Haha that's funny so are guys stuck here forever or what" she start to talk, the boys were all confused but not Jackson has he remember the first night they met and him bumping into the bears. "So what did they say" Jackson leaned on the walls.
"Huh how do you know I can communicate to them" she looked back confused.
"Well let's not forget the bears that I encounter on the first night we met you spoke to them so I just thought you can do it with other animals and Yuri but she's not a normal animal so I don't think that counts" the boys and Kai Li just stared at him go off.
"Looks like you been thinking a lot on topics about Kai Li" Jinyoung teased him making everyone laugh but him.

After looking around, taking pictures and having fun with the place and animals they finally settled down on an empty table to eat. Jackson and Kai Li were the first to sit and eat while the others went to go get food. Except they didn't go get food they ditch the two to go have fun with rides and left those two alone.
"Where are the others it's been a while" Kia Li asked to Jackson.
Jackson looked around and took a stressed sigh has he knew what they were doing. "They will be here don't worry" he looked at his food.
She just continued to eat when Jackson ask a important question.
"So how do you feel"
"Huh -oh I'm fine" Kai Li says with shiver after being caught off guard.
"So have you thought about living longer"
"I don't know. Maybe if I met with you guys before anyone then maybe I would think it would be good" Jackson looked at her with a shocked face.
"I haven't said yes or no because after today I just don't know I really enjoyed today but this is a one time thing but I kinda feel comfortable around you and the guys that's all so to be honest I really don't know" she looked up to see Jackson dumbfound face.
"Ugh" dropping his face to the table. "You know you only have like one day." Kai Li got up from her seat and squatted down to look at Jackson which was not facing her she was so close that when he turned he got shivers. "I promise I will make a decision just give me up to tonight to decide okay" putting up her thumb up. Jackson was so off balance that when he tried to sit up he went to fast and fell. Kai Li just walked off with a giggle.
"So your not going to help me"
"Nope I think you can wait for my answer"
Jackson just puffed to her words.

Walking around the park Jackson and Kai Li saw a group of people from a distance. It was the guys in line to a ride. Kai Li looking at Jackson soon taking his hand and pulling with him. "Come on their in line lets go" Kai Li shouted.
They both headed to the others which were in a line to a rollercoaster. Jackson didn't take his hand away from her and just ran with her. He looks at her black short pigtails move through the air. He soon followed to her blushed cheeks and then to her bright smile. She didn't feel alone and he felt close to her.

They both got on to the rollercoaster sitting next to each other.
"Wait I don't like roller coaster" Jackson says with a concern squeak. Kai Li quickly looked at him and she just smiled more.
"Well today's the day you fall in love with them" she just shouted excited.
"How do you know you've never been on one" he says closing his eyes.
"Your right so let me enjoy it and trust me you fall in love with them because I am here" she grabs his hands and hold on to him.
The others being excited. Yelled as the rollercoaster started. Not until Kai Li shiver in his hands she was excited but scared. He remembered her words that she said he fell in love with it because she was their and it was okay because they were both in it together.

"Alright please put your hands up and exit to the right thank you for riding" the ride advisor said. The others got down while Kai Li gave a I regret riding this look but it was fine because it was with him. They both exited still holding hands.

I know that it was not an exciting chapter but I still hope you enjoy 💛🙂

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