Chapter 17

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Kai Li got a few feet away from the camp. Yuri stopped and told her bye but Kai Li doesn't want her to leave. "Come with me".
"Are you crazy they will kill me"
"Let them and I will kill them. Yuri your with me and I am tired of being in fear so are you with me or not"
Yuri felt unsure but okay and followed Kai Li into the camp. People screamed moving out of the way. Kai Li was playing on her phone and Yuri was giving off a (you fuck with us you die) vibe. It was like they owned the place. People just stared including the council which was beaten. Kai Li lifted her head and ignored them. Not even a bow did she do, she just walked to training. Everyone came in to train and only eyes were on her and Yuri which were by the wall. Jackson and the boys finally come in arguing. "We could have walked together" Jackson angry turned around to look at everyone looking at a direction. "What" Youngjae asks. "Why do I feel like she's a different person" one person mumbles. "The boys walk to the direction everyone is looking to only see Yuri with Kai Li. They weren't surprised and laughed a little to themselves while everyone else was confused. Jackson walking away looked back and this time sucked in every detail and feature of Kai Li. He smirked noticing her wearing his jacket. The boys stated to everyone that training will continue. Yuri stood up and walked to the front of the line. And sat listening to the boys. Kai Li just stayed sitting.

Jackson was looking at Kai Li and his eyes never left her. He liked how she was quiet and beautiful. Kai Li raised her head and made eye contact with him. She showed no emotions but she did wave to him. His heart felt like a bullet hit it. She was strong and he liked it. She stood up, he didn't even notice the screams has Yuri spoke to ask a question. "So wait can't you just jump and snap their necks" Yuri spoke out curious. She sat looking at the boys which looked at her, they were surprised that she would actually speak at the place they were at. Everyone screamed and moved back. "Oh- oh my god it talks" Hani yelled frighten. "What are you scared of. If your scared of me talking then don't know how you are going to kill a dragon that can talk now that's scary" Yuri laughed rolling around in the ground. Kai Li walked towards her. "She can't even kill deer for food so how will she kill a dragon" Kai Li sarcasm frighten people. They had chills going up and down. Both of them looked at each other "Hahaha" they both laughed. What was scary was her laugh no one has ever heard her laugh except the boys. They even saw that she was finally enjoying herself. "Alright alright let's get back on topic" Mark waving his hand for everyone's attention. "I mean you can but sometimes it can put you in danger so you want to think smart" Yugyeom spoke to explain Yuri's question.

It's been three weeks.
Training continued for three weeks with Kai Li and Yuri just being their. Nothing big really happened but Kai Li and Yuri did move in with boys. Has Jackson thought it would be more safe for her. Kai Li for three weeks now sleeps with Jackson in his arms.
It's lunch time back at the camp. "Yah it's your turn to the dishes" Youngjae yelled across the table to BamBam. "I already did it" he whines back. "I can do it" Kai Li volunteers herself. "What? no " Jackson speaks. "Yea why not I mean if it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't even be alive right now" she spoke out more comfortable around the boys. "Are you sure" Jackson asked her. "Yea" she smiled at him. He felt like he had a his life complete. He liked how she felt more herself. He fell for her adventurous attitude. He liked her when she tries to be angry but it then turn out to be cute. The endless question she has and the endless answers he has for her. One day he wants to ask her a question with them together. "Guys we have maid" BamBam speaks. "No we don't" Jackson hits his head. Everyone going back to training walked. After training the boys left early has they needed to go do files for the council. "Hey call me when you decide to leave so I can go with you okay " Jackson whispers to her. "Okay I will" she whispered back with a peace sign. His world froze she caught up to Yuri. He was confused did she do it has a joke. He loved her more confident side then no one not even him can take her on.

"So you and Jackson have gotten closer" Yuri says with a look. "Yea so what about it" she says back
"So do you like him"
"What no I just feel like myself around him"
On the other side of where the two were Suzy, Rave, and Hani. "Girls I have an idea come on " Rave lead them. Everyone left the cleaning to Kai Li and Yuri which they didn't care because they had to do something waiting for the boys. Jackson and the boys came out of the councils office. Suzy and Hani attack them while Rave attack Jackson with flirting. "I need to talk to you" she said giving him the eye. He wasn't interested in what she had to say and rejected it. She walked closer and whispered into his ear. "It's about your girl" his eyes opened wide with anger and soon followed her as the other were distracted. "What do you want" he says with anger. Kai Li and Yuri walked out of the training after cleaning. They were walking out talking. When silence hit Yuri she saw Jackson with Rave.
"What what what is it"
"look Kai Li how about we go"
"what" she turns around to see Jackson and Rave making out in the far. "Kai Li are you okay" yuri looks at her. " yea I mean we aren't dating so why would I care" she says nervous. Anger grows in her. She can't explain the feeling but she just wanted to kill them both. Rave pulls Jackson in for a kiss. " woah what the fuck"
"what I know you like it"
"bitch go fuck off I would never give you the light of day"
" why because you like Kai Li "
" no it's because I don't date witches"
" hey and if you try it the next time I don't care that your girl I will kill you". Every time Jackson saw anybody beside the boys, Yuri and Kai Li got him mad but Rave and the council made him boil he wanted to kill them the most.

Walking in the forest Kai Li froze. She trusted him she felt closer for some reason to him. Did he trick her. Why did she finally think she can be happy. It's been a month and about two weeks. She likes being around him well now she is angry. "I want to kill him" she whispered to herself. "Kai Li first you should here him out" Yuri said. "Should I?" it was end of conversation. Raves question about him liking Kai Li was on Jackson's mind. He liked her so much but he couldn't bring himself to tell her. How was he supposed to she might just see him as a friend. He fell for her but didn't know how to say it. His phone rang, it was a message from Kai Li it read "left early sorry". "Damn it this stupid girl". He walked off with the boys back to the cabin.

They finally arrived Jackson opened the door. She could have waited for him so why did she leave really. He was worried. He walked towards his room to see if she was there. His room was empty. He check the bathroom it was empty every room was empty. He started to breathe heavy. "Their not here" he tells the boys. "And it's raining" Mark says. "Shit" Jackson thinking back to Raves action and the reason. He got his jacket. And ran out. He has to find her. He has to tell her. He has to tell her his feelings.


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