Chapter 21

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Jackson felt a cold and empty spot for a good 20 minutes. He pulled the covers up and put his hand on the empty side of his bed. He moved it in panic. He woke up no one was next to him. He walked to the bathroom it was empty. "Fuck guys get up she's gone" the boys got up to Jacksons voice.

Kai Li arrived to the place. "Wow I thought I would have to go get you" Rave smirked. "Just do what you have too" Kai Li said. Two guys tired her up. "So should the guys have fun with you" Rave said . Kai Li raised her head looking at her in shock "I said torture". "That's boring you haven't been tortured like this before lets just have fun with your body." Rave laughed. Two guys stripped her down to her bra and under wear. She trembled from the air hitting her skin. She was scared before she came but she had to protect the ones she loved. Soon a man came in, it was the master. "Well let's have fun" he said. Kai Li's heart skipped a beat. She would not expect them to bring him. She scream in pain when two guys licked her opened wounds. She was shot at,suffocated, and now the whip. She could barley breathe and having two guys touch made her tears a little she just needed to endure it a little more. Not noticing she called out his name in crys. "Jackson I love you" she whispered to herself. She was whipped time again when after the 5th one in a split second a blue force filled with energy blocked it. He had tattoos all over his body his blonde hair went black and his eyes went a silver. Blue flares were around him and a sword in his hand. She looked up at the blue light. She was breathless and weak.

Jackson made it to the place. They track her down by her goddess energy which Jackson can see. He finally got there. Jackson was angry at what he saw. Kai Li was strip and in blood and two guys touching her. She screamed and cried. Jackson was furious and when he saw the master he wanted to kill him but he couldn't show himself. Jackson soon heard words come out of Kai Li that nobody else heard. "Jackson I love you" he heard now he was angry. He want to take their throats out. Jackson found himself turning into a god. The boys needed to control him but they thought it would be okay if he hurt them a little bit they agreed to him turning. He teleported and grabbed the whip cutting it with his sword. Everyone was shocked including the master they finally confirmed he was one. "So we have a God well this will be fun double the power" the master laughed. "How dare you? How dare you touch my goddess? How dare you even look at her?" He question in a deep voice. Jackson filled everyone in fear. Jackson threw the two boys to the wall and cut their hands. Jackson then grab Rave by the hair. She screamed in pain. He stab her the leg. And for the master and others be beaten and kept them where they will stay alive but feel the same pain as Kai Li, to their last breathe. But he grabbed the master that's when the boys came in. "Jackson you can't" Mark yelled. "Yugyeom rap him" Jinyoung commanded. Yugyeom brought vines from the ground wrapping around Jackson. Jinyoung and Youngjae both flew and cut a small cut on his arms to stop. He finally stopped and everyone ran. He walked to Kai Li hanging. "Why did you come" she cried panting. "Because my stupid ass fell in love with you" he cut the chains and caught her. "Thank you" she collapse from lack of blood. Jackson put her on Yuri's back. Jackson turned back to human and was wounded. He collapsed soon afterwards. The boys caught him.

[Kai Li saw a lady standing in front of her. It was her mother. "Mother?" She asked. The lady turned around to see her. "He's a good one" she said to her daughter. "Mom do you know what I have been through" she yelled angry. "I know but you need to stay strong I have been busy" she walked forward. "Mom my friends will get hurt because of me" she whined. "I am actually happy that you found friends and a person to love" she patted her head. "What do I do" she asked. "They will help you. And so will that lady go back to the city and meet with the lady you bumped into take him with you. Both of you will have questions and answers there" she stood back fading away. "Mom no I need you please come back."she cried]

She opened her eyes looking up at the roof. Mark looked over her "she's up "he whispered. She thought to much but tears came out of her she had a blank face but tears were falling. "Kai Li your safe" Mark waved his hand over her but she just focused on the roof. "He didn't get hurt right" she lifted her arm and put it over her eyes. "He has small injuries but he will be fine look" Mark pointed at the bed next to her and saw Jackson pale with no life. She felt digested with her self. "I am sorry I didn't want anyone getting hurt" she cried. "Yah he's a man let him do the protecting next time okay" Mark said with a laugh. But she kept crying. She was thankful that he was okay. All the pain in the world that she felt it was replaced with his smile it was that moment she loved him. Mark left the room. She got up with pain from the bandages pulling herself to walk. She walked slowly to him. She laid next to him looking at him face. She soon fell a sleep.

Jackson woke up with an aching pain in his body. He remembered the night before where he had turned into his god form. He felt weak but stronger than before. He tried to get up but he stopped when he saw Kai Li in the way. She was filled with bandages all over her body. Her eye area was puffy and red from the tears. He was caution about touching her as he might touch a wound. He laid watching her for a while. She finally opened her eyes to see him looking at her. She was surprised and fell on the floor. "Are you okay"he jumped checking on her. "Yea yea I am fine. I'm just gonna go back over here." She pointed in embressment. He spaceout and looked at her confused. She got into the bed and turned the other way. She left the room first after a while and went down stair Jackson stayed a little longer confused.

Everyone met downstairs. Jackson was on the couch and Kai Li was also watching Yugyeom, BamBam, YoungJae and Jinyoung play cards. Yuri was also watching them. JB and Mark were playing with their phones. "Why do I always lose" Jinyoung was frustrated. "Haha" the boys started to laugh. Kai Li was sad and felt disappointed. She looked towards Jackson and she remembered what her mom said. "Can you give me second" she left the game going towards Jackson. He looked fine. But he was mad at the fact that she went alone. "Can we talk"she whispered he looked angry at her. "why you should be alone like when you went in alone" he said with anger the air was full of awkwardness when the boys heard. "Come here" she pulled him by the hand up to his room in frustration. "Sorry guys we will be back. "

"What" he sat down on the bed looking down. He was mad at her for going in alone he could have helped her. "Are you seriously mad at me"she said with snap but then regretting her attitude. "Yes I am. I am fucking mad that you don't trust me to help you, or how you act by yourselves, or how you don't believe in yourself.." he paused walking towards her before saying something that will catch her off her feet "and the biggest one for having me fall for you." She shock to his words. "Well I didn't force you to do that" she yelled at him. He walked closer to her face. "Oh so your saying you don't feel the same". She rembered the words she said and couldn't say anything. Her face got red not from anger but from being flustered. "That's not it"
"Okay then turn around and looking me in the eye and tell me why you went alone"
"Because if...if .. if I didn't they were going to kill you. The nightmare would have come true. And it would have been my fault that's why I can't believe because I don't get happiness" she said exhausted.
Jackson took a few steps back she didn't know her goddess side very well so she thought she was weak. "What have they been doing to you" he asked in shock.
"What you saw but 10 times worse. I don't even know who I am" she walked away from him towards the bed and sat there. "Kai Li they are a joke to us" he said. "You know it was my first time turning into a goddess that night" she was scared. "Listen to me now that they know who I am it's our fight so don't go alone. It's not your fault I chose you so I will carry any hardship you have. Your not allowed to say no I am staying all the way" he sat next to her and hugged her. They both looked into each others eyes Jackson kept going up and down from her lips to her eyes. They both kissed taking each other's pain away. Their lips in one. Kai Li loved him and he loved her. He couldn't get enough of her lips. Kai Li parted way first saying something important "we have to go meet the old lady" Jackson was confused "the one that spoke with you". "My mom actually spoke to me for the first time" he was in more shock then her. "So what's the lady have to do with it" he said. "She told me to go meet her that she has both questions and answers." They both were confused but it might be something important.

I love you Aww😍

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