Chapter 13

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In the line for a haunted house Jackson and Kai Li didn't notice that they were still holding hands when suddenly they let go when they were in line and BamBam noticed them. Not far from Kai Li and the boys their was another group in the other side getting ice cream it was the same kids from the camp and yes Rave, Suzy, and Hani were in that group not long till Suzy noticed Kai Li and Jackson walking into the line to the haunted house.

"Guys are sure you want to go in this" Kai Li says bored
"What are you scared" Mark ask whiling laughing.
"No I mean I just don't like it but I am not scared" she says with a bluff.
"Hey guys" from a familiar voice hits Kai Li and she hide behind all the boys. She doesn't even care if they already seen her she just doesn't want to see them.

"What's up guys what are you doing here" Suzy says with suspicion.
"Not much and you guys" Jinyoung states standing right in between JB and Jackson to hide Kai Li behind them.
"Well we kinda saw Kai Li and so we wanted to say hi" Suzy pushes Jinyoung and Jackson out of the way. Kai Li quickly bent down pretending she is tiring her shoes.
"What" she looks up at her picking her self up making eye contact.
"So what are you doing outside the camp"
"I don't want to maybe you should leave you don't belong here"

"Guys we came to have fun so how about we drop it especially when we are infront of the humans." Jackson spoke out getting in between the girls.
It was silent until we were close to the doors to go when Suzy opened up about an idea and it really wasn't good because Kai Li was feeling a little bit worse than before.
"Guys why don't we go in front of you guys and Kai Li comes with us and then you guys follow behind .."
"No" Kai Li shouted quickly.
"Come on I mean we are friends why not or are you scared"
Kai Li is scared but didn't say anything and she didn't want people to know her weaknesses which is why she went into the trap and agreed to the plan she thought to her self. If she was going to die why not.
"Woah let's think about this" Jackson spoke up again see how Kai Li is feeling unsure about it.
"No it will be great come on it's our turn" she pulled Kai Li with her. All the boys saw was Kai Li going in head on.
"How come I have a bad feeling about this" Yugyeom says concerned. The boys looked at Jackson in agreement to Yugyeom.

She was finally in and not feeling safe as the others screamed she walked slowly behind them. She also tried to look behind her self for the boys but they weren't coming any time soon. Soon as she turned back she lost everyone. They all ran and left her alone. People came and attacked her at once to scare her she fell screaming. Kai Li saw faces coming at her with words whispered into her ear and she was in a corner.

*Kai Li screaming
"Okay boys you can go" the person opened the door and the boys were caution about the house. They kept hearing a girl scream. Jackson was in the middle and Mark stepped aside to show him that Kai Li was alone in the corner with her knees to her chest.
"Hey I think she had enough you can stop now" Jinyoung and Youngjae both pulled the people away from while Jackson and JB took her.

Kai Li was finally found and the boys came to help her. JB let go and was in the front while the ours were in a line and she in the back hooked and grabbed onto Jackson.
"Jack...Jackson" she shivered.
"I am scared"
With those word Jackson stopped to look down on her cover her eyes in his chest and hugging him tight. He lifted his arm around her tighter and directed her the way out. In the middle Kai Li didn't move and fell.
"Come on we are almost their"
"No I can't go out their with them waiting to laugh at me"
"Kai Li this scary stuff you actually get scared don't you "
"Yea I shouldn't have gone with them"
Jackson cupped her face and moved some hair strings out of the way to look at her smooth bright face.
"Listen to me you get scared with these things that is okay we all have fears your being yourself okay and I am with you okay so your not alone"
She took a deep breath and they both got up and held each other tight again.

The boys and everyone was waiting for them when Suzy came up to them all. "Oh My God Kia Li I completely forgot you were still in there I mean, is the biggest witch of ..." she was cut off by BamBam
"Kai Li lets go get ice cream huh?" BamBam pushed both her and Jackson and the others to go get ice cream ignoring the others.
"Um excuse me I was talking" Suzy yelled.
"Yea nobody cares because your a nobody" Youngjae shouted back.

The boys and Kai Li left the amusement park and went to a close by ice cream shop. The mood between the boys and Kai Li went silent she didn't even get ice cream. The 7 boys were talking about a jacket they saw. She followed behind them looking at them fight about the price and material. BamBam is going mad how his fashion being some kind of an art. She watch them pushing each other around laughing. But she was only looking and not feeling. She was quiet and just look straight. There was many people around and people selling items on the side.
"Excuse beautiful girl would you like to try this perfume" an old age women grabbing Kai Li's hand and showed her a perfume bottle.
"No thank you" she denied the offer and pulled her hand off.
"Come on how are you going to get a boyfriend if you smell bad"
Kai Li looked at the women with a blank expression. "Boyfriend?"
"Yes sweet heart this perfume will make any man fall in love with you"
"No it won't it's just perfume"
Kai Li turned and saw that the boys are gone.
"Oh do you have a man already"
"I mean isn't he the one your looking for"
"No I was just looking around"
"Well then move if your not going to buy..."
Kai Li left without letting the women finish. She walked around from place to place to look for the boys. She then heard a person yell her name. She turned around to only find it was Hani yelling her name. Kai Li didn't think again and dashed off.

"Haha look at that you only wear those because it makes you taller" Youngjae pushes BamBam. All the boys are laughing while walking Jackson turned around to check up on how Kai Li was holding up and then stop and froze when she wasn't behind them. He looked to left to right and spun around.
"Guys where is Kai Li" he questioned.
The boys looked back and all their smile turned serious. They spilt up looked both ways they came from. Mark and Jinyoung noticed Hani and went up to her. "Hey have you seen Kai Li"
"Oh yea but she ran off" Hani looking at the boys surprised.

Back home Yuri was a sleep waiting for Kai Li and the boys to come back. She heard a noise outside and walked towards the door. When the door opened it was Kai Li. She was tired and burning, her heart beat was speeding and she collapsed on the floor.
"Kai Li what the hell are you doing here alone" Yuri said "wait let me carry you to the couch" Yuri picked her up and placed her gently on the couch. "What happened" Yuri asked.
Kai Li answered breathless "what does it look like I ran" she ran, she was the best at doing that and she did every time she was alone.
"What about the others"
"I lost them so I ran back"
"Don't you have their number or something" she sat infront of Kai Li. "No" she responded.
Today was a day for her to see why she should keep waking up in the morning and breathing. She enjoyed herself today until she got scared and ran. Why does she run. She can't tell her feeling so she hides them and if she did tell her feelings everyone will leave her or be scared of her so she ran. She ran until she is no more. She sat up in the couch to find Yuri gone to go get water. She quickly stood up and made her way to Jacksons bed were she had been before. She looked at the bed and moved the covers she soon put herself around his covers. She smelled his scent off of the covers. For some reason she felt relaxed when he was near by her. I mean she doesn't like him she actually thinks he annoying but she feels safe around him. She soon closed her eyes and for the first time her mind was a lot more at ease and she didn't sleep with a big head ache. She fell asleep on his bed with his covers covering her.

Yuri came back carrying a water bottle. She look at the empty couch and followed Kai Li's scent. Up the stairs and into Jackson and BamBam's room. She froze seeing Kai Li fast asleep in Jackson bed.
"Child, other girls would be freaking out of being in boys bed but I guess you feel safe sweet dreams" Yuri whispered leaving the room.

Scared of life 🖤

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