Chapter 53

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Josh looks at the couple in front of him. "Yeah, I have the usual, and something even better. Why don't you try some of this new shit Harry. I heard what these drugs do to you, don't you miss feeling like a man?" Josh sneers.

"A man? You mean one who doesn't remember almost choking the life out of the woman he loves, putting my small son in danger? No thanks." Harry snaps. "Randy please get him out of here, he's trespassing." Harry says.

"Gladly." Randy says, stepping up and grabbing Josh before he could try and get away. Once he's handcuffed, Randy searches him and finds several different types of drugs in small baggies on him. "Hmm, this will get you put back in prison for a long time, my man." Randy says as he pulls Josh out the door and to his patrol car.

As soon as the door closes Jerica places one hand on Harry's arm, the other on her belly, then bends over and screams. Running from the studio, Sandy grabs Jerica's arm. "Mom, that was so stupid." She sobs. "Dad she's been in labor this whole time." Sandy cries.

"What?" Harry yelps out, just as Jerica's water breaks. "Shit, Louis you drive." Harry snaps as he picks up his wife and runs to the car, Andi and Sandy following.

On the way to the hospital Sandy calls Anne let's her and Gemma know what's going on so she can go to the school and pick up the other kids. Just as Anne and the other run into the hospital Andi gasps and grabs Louis' hand.

"What is it babe?" Louis asks.

Andi looks down and laughs. "My water just broke."

"Oh. My. God." Gemma laughs. "The twins are being born on the same fucking day."

Anne laughs also as Louis takes Andi to the delivery room. "Now all we need is for Harry and Jerica's kids to fall in love and marry Louis and Andi's and make this family complete."

Sandy lays her head on Anne's shoulder. "Wouldn't that be amazing? We'd be one big happy family then. Not that we're not now." She sighs.

Harry kisses Jerica's cheek as he lays down beside her and his twin boys. Smiling he looks at the couple next to them. "I still can't believe you guys had girls." He laughs. "We always seem to have opposite sexes, right around the same time."

Louis laughs as he props his head on his hand. Looking down at his twin girls. "Yeah, and two have twins this time is to weird for words."

"Look at it this way." Gemma says as she and the others walk in the room, going to their respective parents and families. "They'll always grow up with playmates."

Jerica laughs as she passes her twins off to Anne and Gemma. "They're twins, they would have anyway."

Andi smiles as she hands one of her twins to Sandy, the other to her daughter Addy. "Maybe we should just move in with you guys." She laughs.

"Or build your own house next to ours." Jerica says as she and Andi look at one another.

Harry and Louis start laughing. "Looks like Uncle Jake just got another house to build." Anne smiles at her family.

"Daddy." Tommy cries as he runs into the shop, with Will, Ari and Dari right behind him. "Sissy is home."

The four adults all look up from what they're doing just as Timmy walks in holding Addy's hand, followed by a smiling Sandy and her husband of a year, Tyler.

"Sandy, Ty." Jerica whispers as she runs over to them giving them a hug.

"Mom." Sandy cries, hugging Jerica back. Then laughs when she's suddenly pulled from Jerica's arms and into the tight, warmth of Harry's hug. "Dad, I missed you guys so much."

"We missed you too honey." Harry says, finally letting her go so she could hug the others. "Ty, how's the England shops doing, son?"

"Never better, Dad. Nick, has the Manchester shop in top shape, and Tina has the London shop doing better than it ever has. The books are on your desk at home." Tyler tells Harry.

"That's good son." Harry says, going back over to finish up the tattoo he's working on.

"All these kids your?" His client asks.

Harry laughs. "May as well be, we all practically live together." He says. "But no, the twin girls are Lou's, so is the girl sitting in the boys lap that looks like my twin." Harry chuckles. "The rest in the room I guess belongs to me and Jeri." He says pointing at Jerica as she finishes her own clients tattoo.

"Wait, she's your wife?" The guy asks, he too pointing at Jerica.

"I am." Jerica smiles. "And if you're still here in the next minute or so, the rest of our crew will be here."

"There's more?" The guy laughs.

"A couple." Harry grins as the door opens and the other kids walk in.

"Dad, will you tell Scott it's rude to spit out a car widow when there's a motorcycle behind us." Genna says as she kisses Harry's cheek.

"Eww, Scott I thought dad taught you better than that." Addy says.

Scott laughs as he high fives his dad. "Who the hell do you think taught me that trick."

"Denny, you'd better not be picking up any of his bad habits." Sandy laughs.

"Nah. Just Timmy's." Denny laughs as he hugs his sister. "Welcome home sis."

"Hey, I don't have any, other than the ones dad taught me." Timmy laughs, causing all the adults to laugh.

"Congratulations man. You and Lou have an amazing family." Greg, Harry's client says as Harry finishes up his tattoo.

"Yeah, I do. The best." Harry smiles and winks at his wife.

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