Chapter 12

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Jerica steadies Harry as he stumbles into her condo, just as she has the other 4 or 5 times he's tripped over imaginary objects since getting out of her car. Pulling her phone out of her pocket, Jerica walks to her kitchen dials the number she hasn't called in while and waits.

"Jerica, it's been a while. How is everything?" Karen, a doctor who treated Timmy asks.

"It's okay, I guess. Look, Karen I have a question." Jerica says. "A friend of mine has been heavily drugged, he's thrown up once already but now he's stumbling around, slurring his words, things like that. What is the best thing to do for him here? He's not to keen about going to the hospital right now." She explains.

"Oh dear. Do you know what type of drug it was dear?" Karen asks.

Jerica sets her phone on her kitchen counter while she reaches for a few glasses. "Nope, the cop that tested Harry's water just said it was positive. He did take to bottle with him for further testing."

"Ok, hun, this is what I'd do." Karen says. "Do you have apple juice?"

"Yeah, I have a new bottle I bought yesterday." Jerica says, thinking how much Harry loves the stuff.

"Good, I hope you have the rest of the ingredients also, knowing you, you probably do." Karen says, as she continues to tell Jerica everything she's going to need to help flush out Harry system. "Now sweety, don't forget to warm the honey and cinnamon together before adding it to the apple juice, that way the cinnamon won't be to biter."

"I wont, Karen, thanks. I have to go, I want to give this to my patient before he gets worse." Jerica says.

"Jeri? Whatever it was this guy did due to being under the influence of this drug? Don't stay mad at him for to long hun. I can hear the tears in your voice, also the hurt, and you know as well as I do drugs can make a great person do and say horrible things. And hun, this might get worse before getting better, if the drugs have been in his system for a while he just might continue saying and doing things he might not otherwise do." Karen says softly. "Don't forget the side effects Timmy had to some of the medication he was taking."

Jerica sighs, picks up the concoction she's just made. "I know Karen, that's why he's here and not dumped at some cold hospital somewhere. I'll call you later." Jerica walks back into the livingroom to find Harry still in the same position she left him, head back, eyes closed. Walking over to him she squats down beside him, placing her hand on his leg. "Harry? I need you to drink this, please. It will help flush the drugs out of your system." She whispers.

Harry barely cracks his eyes open to see Jerica kneeling beside him, God she's so beautiful, he thinks as he raises his head. Raising his hand, Harry places it on Jerica's cheek. "I love you." He whispers, saying those 3 words for the first time since they've returned from the lake over a week ago.

Jerica blinks back the tears in her eyes, kisses Harry's palm, then whispers. "I love you too. But I really need you to drink this." She whispers.

Harry nods and sits up, he takes the glass from Jerica's hand, sniffs the contents, take a small sip and frowns. "What is this?"

"A doctor friend of mine told me it'll help flush the drugs from your body. It's either that or the hospital." Jerica says.

At hearing that Harry turns the glass up and drains the entire thing, then shudders. "God that's awful, but if it helps I'll drink a gallon." He says as he looks around. "Who drove us here?" He asks.

Jerica tilts her head, looking at Harry. "I did. Don't you remember? You wanted me to pull over so we could dance to a song on the radio."

Harry shakes his head, then groans. "No I don't remember that." He snaps. "I seem to have forgotten over half of what I've done today. In fact, I'm not even sure why I'm here and not at the shop doing my job." Harry says somewhat angry.

Jerica frowns, she's never seen Harry like this before. He's always been nice, soft spoken. The only time she's ever seen him angry and snappy is when Peter was being an ass at Timmy's funeral, but never with her. "Harry, why don't you lay down, I'll fix us some food, you another one of those drinks, and I'll wake you up when it's done." She suggests.

Harry frowns, not understanding the feelings swirling around in his head and body, he just knows he's angry for whatever reason. Trying to remember why he's here, what they were talking about and coming up with nothing Harry lashes out. "Stop telling me what to do." He yells, pushing Jerica away from him, causing her to fall to the floor. "My God you'd think, by the way you're acting, we're in a relationship or something. Hell woman I don't even like you, I just acted like I did so I could fuck that tight little body of yours." Harry yells in her face, ignoring the tears now streaming down her cheeks.

Louis and Andi are so shocked at what they're hearing as they open Jerica's door, they're frozen where they're standing. That is until they see Jerica slap Harry, then calmly walk out.

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