Chapter 6

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Parking at the rehab facility where Timmy lived, Harry, Louis and Jerica walk into the main entrance. As they walk down the hallway Harry made sure Jerica was between him and Louis, as they neared the nurses station Harry reaches out and grabs Jerica's hand.

Walking down the hallway of the rehab center, knowing it's for the last time ever, Jerica is doing everything she can to keep from crying. Just as they're about to get to the nurses station she feels Harry's hand in hers, with a silent sigh, Jerica threads her fingers through Harry's as they step up to the counter.
"Hey Amy, Peter told me Timmy's things have been packed up so I can pick them up. Do you know where they were stored?" She whispers around the lump in her throat.

Amy nods. "I do, we kept everything in his room, we just put it all in bags on the bed." She says as she walks around the desk to give Jerica a hug. That's when she gets a good look of the guys with her. Amy never really liked Jerica, she never had a good reason, other than her being so young and rich. And here she is years older having to work at a deadend job, busting her ass, barely making ends meet. So when seeing these two gorgeous guys with this short girl, especially the one holding Jerica's hand, Amy decides to see how much they like each other, how strong this relationship really is.

For some reason Harry doesn't like the way this Amy person is looking at him as she walks toward them, so he let's go of Jerica's hand and wraps his arm around her waist. "Lead the way babe, you know where we're going." Harry says as he pulls her closer, kissing her temple.

Seeing that Amy is even more determined to make a move on this tall, good looking guy. Walking over so she's on Harry's other side, Amy walks down the hallway with them, making sure her arm brushes against Harry's as they make their way to Timmy's room. Just as they're about to enter Amy opens the door, her hand brushing across Harry's ass as she does.
Harry spins around, looks down at the older lady. "Touch me like that again I'll have you fired for inappropriate behavior." He snaps. "I'm here to help my girlfriend gather her brother's things, have some respect, we don't need your help. There are plenty of us here to do what needs to be done, I'm sure your skills can be used elsewhere." Harry says.

Louis snorts. "Yeah, like a street corner. Who the hell makes a play for someone's man in front of them? First that Peter dude, now this."

Amy's jaw drops at what Louis says. "How dare you!" She snaps.

Jerica just shakes her head and ignores what's going on, knowing Harry and Louis will take care of Amy. She walks to the bed to make sure all of her brother's things are there, that everything has been packed and nothing was missed. Seeing that everything is there, Jerica picks up a few of the bags to carry out to Harry's car, turning she sees Harry and Louis doing the same thing except they grab more bags than she did cleaning the bed off completely. Once everything is loaded into the vehicle Jerica looks at Harry.
"We need to go by the funeral home and get my car. Louis can drive it if he wants, that way he can follow us as I give you directions to my place." She whispers.

Harry nods. "Not a bad idea. You don't mind doing that, do you Lou?"

"Nope. Makes since to me, that way we don't have to backtrack later to go get her car." Louis says as he takes the keys Jerica offers him.

As they get close to her condo Jerica taps Harry's arm and points. "You can park in the underground garage if you want, we'll take the elevator up to my place."

"Wait! You live here?" Harry asks in a shocked voice.

"Yes, why?" Jerica says, looking at Harry oddly.

"Because, Lou and I just bought a place here last month. I've never seen you come and go from here." Harry says.

"Hmm, maybe we've just missed one another." Jerica says as she opens her door.

"Wow, what a coincidence." Louis says with a smile. "Not only do we have a new friend, but we also find out she's a neighbor, can't beat that." He says as he starts grabbing bags to carry to her place.

Jerica nods. "You'll have to let me know which unit you own, after all you two have done for me I owe you dinner." She smiles as she leads the way to her door.

Harry chuckles. "Well you won't have to go far." He says as he points at the door across from hers. "That's where we live."

"You're kidding?" Jerica asks. "You've lived here a month and we've never once ran into each other? How odd is that?" She says with a shake of her head as she walks into her condo, waving Harry and Louis in. "Just drop those wherever, I'll unpack them later." Jerica then turns and hugs first Louis then Harry. "Thank you so much for helping me out. You didn't have to do that."

"It's not a big deal." Harry says. "Perks of being your own boss. Why don't you come to the shop with us? That way you're not alone, and the chaos there will help keep you mind off things."

"Really? I'd love to, if you give me a few minutes to change." Jerica says.

"That's fine, we need to change also." Louis says. "We'll meet you in the hallway in a few." He says as he and Harry walk toward the door.

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