Chapter 41

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Harry is just about to pick Timmy up out of the tub when he hears his phone ring. Sticking his head out of the bathroom door he yells down the hall. "Hey Jeri, can you grab my phone and answer it for me please?"

"Got it." Jeri says as she picks up Harry's phone, seeing on the screen it's his mom, she answers it. "Hello?"

"Oh. Jeri?" Anne asks. "Is Harry with you?"

"Kinda." Jerica chuckles as she sees how wet Harry is as he struggles with getting Timmy out of the tub. "He's trying give Timmy his bath. But I think Timmy gave daddy one." She laughs as she leans against the doorway.

"Very funny." Harry says as he looks over his shoulder at Jerica. "Okay little man, you ready to get out of there now? I'll let you talk to Memaw once you're dressed." He says, winking at Jerica as Timmy scrambles to climb over the edge of the tub. As soon as Harry gets Timmy's shirt on him he runs to Jerica. He jumps up and grabs the phone from her hand and takes off giggling.

"Memaw, when you coming to see me?" Timmy asks as he runs into the livingroom and climbs onto the sofa. Harry shakes his head as he puts on the dry shirt Jerica hands him, knowing his phones on speaker, he follows Jerica to the kitchen and let's Timmy continue his conversation with his mom, listening to every word exchanged.

Jerica walks up to her son, who's still talking to Anne and whispers. "Timmy let daddy talk to Memaw so you can eat."

"Memaw, I'm eat, daddy's talk to you now. Love you." He says, jumping off the sofa handing Harry his phone then running into the kitchen.

Anne laughs. "Thank you for letting me talk to him like that."

"Like we had much choice." Harry chuckles as he sits down. "Timmy grabbed the phone from Jeri as soon as he was dressed."

"Are you guys back together?" Anne asks.

Harry sighs. "We're working on it." He says. "I'm here more than my place, so that's a plus."

"Just don't fuck up this time." Anne says.

"Not planning to mom. I want my family around me all the time, not just part time." Harry whispers.

"Well just to let you know, the main reason I called is because, I'm coming to visit. I'll be there in a few days." Anne says.

"That's great. I'll tell Jeri, I'm sure she'll let you stay here." Harry says. After talking to his mom for a few more minutes, Harry finally hangs up and goes to see what his family is doing. Walking into the kitchen Harry sees Jerica cleaning Timmy up. "Done eating?"

"Yep, Timmy wants to watch Transformers with daddy." Jerica says with a smile.

"I'll don't know, it's getting late. I need to go soon." Harry says.

Timmy wraps his arms around Harry's legs. "No, daddy." He cries. "You stay here, you always leave. Addy's daddy stays the night with her. Why can't you stay with me?" Timmy cries.

Harry sighs as he picks his son up, then sits down with him in his lap. "Timmy, Addy's mommy and daddy are married and they all live together in one place." He tries to explain.

"Then you live here too. With mommy and me." Timmy says, wrapping his arms around Harry's neck. "You can married us."

"Son, it doesn't work like that." Harry says.

"But why?" Timmy asks, he then looks up at Jerica and jumps off Harry's lap. "This is your fault." He yells, rushing up to his mom, pushing on her legs, surprising the adults. "You always make my daddy leave." He cries as he beats his tiny fists against Jerica's thighs.

"Timothy Edward." Harry snaps at his son for the first time, picking him up, as Jerica walks out of the kitchen. "Son, stop." Harry says as he walks out of the kitchen and sits on the sofa with Timmy. "None of this is mommy's fault, I don't want to ever see you treat her like that again."

"Then why don't you live here daddy?" Timmy cries as he lays his head on Harry's chest.

"Because I messed up son. It's my fault, not mommy's." Harry whispers. "I hurt your mommy, but that doesn't mean you can. And I never will again either. Son, look at me." Harry says as he puts his fingers under Timmy's chin, raising his head slightly. "Your mommy is so special she deserves to be loved, not hurt. We need to try and remember that. You think you can do that?" He asks the young boy.

"Yes daddy." Timmy sniffs, laying his back on Harry's chest. "Daddy, I think I need to tell mommy I'm sorry." He whispers.

"Yeah, I think you do to. Want me to go with you?" Harry asks.

"No sir. I can do it." Timmy says as he slides off Harry's lap and makes his way to his mommy's room.

Harry quietly follows Timmy as he slowly enters Jerica room, leaning against the doorframe he listens to what Timmy says.

"Mommy?" Timmy whispers.

"Yes Timmy." Jerica whispers back, rolling over to look at her son, seeing Harry in the doorway.

"I'm sorry I yelled and hit you." He cries. "I didn't hurt you did I?" Timmy asks as he wraps his arms around Jerica's neck.

"No, baby you didn't hurt me. You kinda upset me though." Jerica says as she pushes Timmy's hair out of his eyes. "Honey, you should never use your hands on a woman like that, it's not nice."

"I know. Daddy told me. He said you were special." Timmy says as he lays his head beside hers.

"He did, did he?" Jerica asks as she watches Harry walk toward them.

"Hmm, I sleep here tonight." Timmy mumbles.

"That's fine son." Jerica whispers, kissing his forehead. She then pats the bed and looks Harry in the eyes. "We'll all sleep here tonight."

Harry lays down behind Jerica, wrapping his arm around her and Timmy both. "Thank you." He whispers as they both drift off to sleep.

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