Chapter 40

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Jerica opens the door leading into the tattoo shop from her studio and looks to see if Harry is still around, he'd told her he was going to grab them all some lunch so she thought now would be a good time to hang his birthday present.

"He's not back yet, if that's what you're wondering." Louis says.

"Good, I want this hung up, before he returns." Jerica says. "I want him to see it when he walks in."

"What is it?" Louis asks.

"You'll see when we get it hung up." Jerica says.

"Okay where you want it?" Louis asks.

"Right over his work station. That's the best place." Jerica says as she climbs up onto Harry's table, much like she did the first time. Just as she gets the picture hung the door opens.

Harry walks into the shop and comes to a stop. "What the hell? Woman are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Harry asks as he makes his way to where Jerica is. "What the hell are you doing up there?" He asks with a smile on his face.

Jerica turns and places her hands on Harry's shoulders, gives him a quick kiss, then straightens back up. "I finally finished your birthday gift. You want to see it? Or do I leave it covered?" She asked.

Harry puts his hands on his hips. "Now what do you think? Let see it so I can get you down from there." He laughs.

Jerica giggles as she grabs the cloth covering the painting and jerks it off. When she hears the gasp behind her she turns and looks down at Harry to see tears on his cheeks already. The painting is of the scene she'd seen while she was in the hospital. Harry and Timmy sitting nose to nose, both with grins on there identical faces.
"I'm assuming you like it?" Jerica whispers.

Harry nods as he walks to her and lifts off his counter, but instead of setting her on the floor he holds her to his chest, so he can place his face in her neck. "I love it, and you. Thank you, it's beautiful." He mutters against her neck.

Jerica runs her fingers through Harry's hair. "You're welcome, and I love you too." She whispers back, kissing his cheek. "You have any other clients due in?" Jerica asks. "Or just seeing if you get walk ins coming in?" Jerica asks when Harry finally sets her down so they can eat.

"Both." Louis says. "Harry has an appointment due in soon, a chest piece. Some guy named Mike. I also have one due in about the same time." He says. "But if we get any walk ins after that I guess we'll do those before we close up."

"Want me to do a few?" Jerica asks as she nibbles on a fry.

"You feel like doing some?" Harry asks.

Jerica nods. "Don't see why not, I painted that without a problem." She says pointing at the picture she just hung.

"Then sure, grab a few walk ins if you feel like it." Harry says as he stands up to throw his trash away. He kisses Jerica then starts cleaning his station since she walked all over it, not that he cared.

About ten minutes after Harry and Louis started working on their appointments, the bell on the door rings. Jerica looks up to see a beautiful girl about her age walk in. "Hello, can I help you?" She asks the girl nicely.

"Maybe." The girl says shyly. "I'm wanting a tattoo but I need to make sure it's done right."

Jerica leans on the counter. "What type of tattoo do you want?"

The girl then bows her head, when she raises it back up she has tears in her eyes. "A portrait, sorry, my name is Bobbie." She says as she wipes away her tears. "My son." She says, handing Jerica a picture of a small child about a year old. "He had leukemia, they did everything they could, but nothing worked."

"Oh God, I'm so sorry." Jerica says as she walks around the counter and hugs the girl. "Bobbie, if you really want this done I can do it. See that picture?" Jerica asks, pointing to the one of Harry and Timmy.

"Yes, it's beautiful." Bobbie says.

"Thank you. I painted it, I can do that on you." Jerica says.

"Oh God. Can you?" Bobbie whispers.

Harry speaks up then. "Hun, that wall there is full of the beautiful tattoos Jeri has done. Trust me, she'll give you the best tattoo ever."

Bobbie nods. "Can you do it on my shoulder blade? I don't really care if other people see it, this is just for me." She says.

Jerica nods. "Absolutely. Come sit right over here. I'll draw this up and have this done in no time." She says.

An hour later Harry walks over to stand behind Jerica to see how close she is to getting done. What he sees brings tears to his eyes, he hates to think how Bobbie is going to react when she sees it. Leaning down Harry kisses Jerica's neck. "Beautiful." He whispers.

Jerica smiles. "There, finished." She says. "Come over here Bobbie so you see what I've done."

Bobbie looks in the mirror, when she sees the tattoo her jaw drops, and the tears starts flowing from her eyes like a river. "Oh my God." She whispers. "You're an angel." Bobbie sobs as she hugs Jerica. "Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me."

Jerica hugs Bobbie back. "I think I do." She says, she then turns and shows Bobbie the tattoo Harry did of her brother. "My younger brother, he died several years ago. I understand."

Bobbie nods, pays, then walks out, but not before telling them all she'll be telling everyone she knows about them.

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