Chapter 7

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Harry unlocks the door to the shop, flips on the lights, then steps to one side to let Jerica walk in, he then walks over turns on the stereo while Louis walks to his station to set it up.
"Have a look around, I need to set my station up in case we have some walk ins." Harry says.

Jerica nods as she walks over to one wall and looks at the drawings on display there, some of them are portraits, some are of animals, but all beautifully done. Looking closer she then realizes they're actually pictures of tattoos that were given.
"Did you two do these?" Jerica asks as she continues to look at the pictures.

Harry walks up behind her, placing one hand on her shoulder, realizing for the first time how small she really is. "Yeah, most of the nature scenes Louis did. He can make about any animal come to life, the portraits, I did most of those. But, we both do a little of both." He says.

"These are amazing. I didn't even realize they were tattoos at first." Jerica whispers. "Does it hurt? Getting a tattoo?"

Harry shrugs. "Some do, depending on where you get it. I guess I've gotten so many I'm immune to the pain now." He says.

Jerica looks at Harry then, noticing how many tattoos he has. "I want one." She says suddenly. "In honor of Timmy. Can you do that?"

"I can. But Jeri, you have to be sure this is what you want, this isn't something you can just wash off later." Harry says. "This is something that will be on your body for the rest of your life." He explains.

Jerica nods. "I know. But, Harry, I really need you to do this for me. Please." She begs as she wipes away a stray tear.

Harry hugs her to him. "Okay. Do you know what you want done?"

Nodding, Jerica walks over to where she left her purse, pulling out a picture of her brother she hands it to Harry. "This is the last picture I took of Timmy before he was shot, it's the last time I got to see his beautiful blue eyes." She whispers.

Harry swollows. "Okay, where do you want this?"

Jerica shrugs. "I don't know, I've never gotten a tattoo before. Where do you suggest?" She asks Harry.

Harry looks at the girl in front of him. "Well, if you want others to see it, I'd say maybe your arm, right about here." He says, running his finger along her bicep. "If this is just for you, and don't care if others see it, I'd put it on your shoulder blade. That way it can be slightly larger."

Jerica thinks about what Harry says. "Will I have to take off my shirt?"

"Yeah, but I'll give you something to slip on, with an open back." Harry tells her.

"Okay, that's what I want then." Jerica says. "When can you do this?"

Harry smiles. "Right now, I have no other clients right now." He says as he hands her a shirt hanging on the back of a chair. "Put that on, leaving it open in the back. While you're doing that I'll draw this up. If you like what you see we'll get started."

Jerica nods as she head toward the female restroom. Taking off her t-shirt, Jerica put on the shirt Harry gave her, leaving the back open like he said, she figures he can undo her bra if he needs to. Jerica walks over to where Harry and Louis are and looks over his shoulder, what she sees causes her to gasp.
"Oh my God, that's gorgeous." She whispers.

Harry looks over his shoulder. "So you approve?"

"Absolutely. Harry you could put this on canvas and make millions." Jerica whispers.

Harry smiles. "I'm not sure I'd be very good at that. I think I'll stick to my tattoo gun for now." He says. "Here have a seat, back facing me, and we'll get started." He adds as he tapes Timmy's picture where he can see it. "So, have you always lived here? Or did you move here so Timmy could get the best care possible?"

"Actually neither." Jerica says, barely flinching as Harry gets started. "I was 15 when my parents were killed, I'd already started selling my paintings by then, in order to keep Timmy with me since he was only 12, I hired a live in nanny. After I turned 18 and graduated high school my agent told me about a school here. One for gifted and talented kids, I checked it out and decided it was the perfect place for Timmy."

Louis crosses his arms as he leans against the counter. "Why Timmy?" He asks.

Jerica smiles as she puts her head on her arms, she also feels Harry undo her bra but ignores it. "Timmy had the most beautiful voice I've ever heard on a guy, and to hear that along with the way he played the guitar? I wanted him to have to best of everything, even if it meant me spending every cent I made off my paintings.
I guess that's why his being shot hit me so hard. It was just days after his 18th birthday, he was leaving school on his way to his first recording session. Then some idiot decided it was okay to point a gun out a window and just start shooting at random people walking down the sidewalk." Jerica whispers. "I took me six months to pick up a paint brush after that. I'm so glad I did now, because I was able to describe what I put on canvas to Timmy, and I know he died with a smile on his face." Jerica sighs as she wipes away her tears.

Harry leans down and kisses Jerica on her shoulder. "Timmy sounds like an amazing young man. You were lucky to have him in your life." He whispers. "Now you ready to see this?"

"You're done?" Jerica asks.

"We've been doing this a long time, it doesn't take long when you know what you're doing." Harry smiles as he leads Jerica to a mirror.

Jerica looks over her shoulder to see what Harry's done, what she sees causes her to break down instantly.  "Oh God, Timmy." She chokes out, throwing her arms around Harry's waist, burying her head in his chest.

Louis shakes his head, walks over to his station grabs the bandaging, puts one over Jerica's shoulder while Harry held the crying girl.

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