Chapter 31

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Louis pulls up and parks into the parking lot of his and Harry's London tattoo shop. Getting out of his mom's car, he heads for the door. Walking into the shop for the first time in almost a year, Louis takes off his sunglasses and looks around. What he sees makes him wonder why, if this place looked this way when Harry was here, Josh wasn't fired then.
Walking further into the shop, Louis bangs his hand on the front counter. "Oi, where the fuck is everyone?" He yells. Seconds later Josh stumbles from the back, a blonde scrambling after him, smelling of pot.

"Ho, Louis what are you doing here mate? Harry was just here checking up on us a few months ago dude." Josh laughs.

"So I've heard." Louis says, then reaches across the counter, grabs Josh by the collar and pulls him close. "Alright you stupid fuck, if you don't think I don't see the changes you've made, without my permission, I might add, you're fucking nuts. And who the hell do you think you are smoking weed in my place of business with some slut, leaving the door unlocked. Not only that you massive fuck up, why would you give Harry drugs getting him hooked?" Louis yells in Josh's face. "You know Harry's in the hospital right now, he almost died because of you. He was throwing up blood because of the drugs you gave him." Louis says. "So I hope you know by now you're fired. Guys take him." Louis tells the cops he had meet him there.

Harry groans as he tries to get in a comfortable position. Opening his eyes he looks to his right, what he sees surprises him. Sitting in a chair beside his bed is Jerica. "Need anything?" She asks.

"Water?" Harry asks.

Nodding, Jerica picks up a small cup with a straw in it, placing the straw in his mouth he takes a sip then nods. "Anything else?"

"How long have I been here?" Harry asks.

"Two days. You've been in and out of it." Jerica says. "Most the nurses refuse to come in here unless I'm here." She says, trying to keep a straight face, knowing from past experiences he won't remember what he's done.

Seeing the look on Jerica's face, Harry rubs his hands down his face. "What'd I do?" He asks, dreading the answer.

Jerica snorts. "Nothing to bad, just butt pinching, tit grabbing, a few vulgar requests for oral sex." She giggles.

"Okay enough, I don't want to know any more." Harry groans as he covers his face with his pillow. Hearing a soft knock, Harry pulls the pillow off his face and puts back where it belongs, he then sees a nurse peek in.

"Oh good, you're here Jeri. I won't have to call the other in to hold his ass down." She says.

Jerica laughs. "I think he's okay now, DeeDee."

"He's right here and doesn't need to talked about like he's not." Harry snaps.

Jerica turns her head and looks Harry in the eyes. "To bad, with the way your behaviors been lately be glad there is still anyone around willing to talk about you at all. Now shut up and behave."

Harry watches as the nurse slowly approaches his bed, almost like she's afraid of him. "Where's our son?" Harry asks.

"He's at Jay's with Andi and your mom. Anne will bring him in later." Jerica says.

The nurse done doing her job, turns and looks at Jerica. "Your adorable son is his?" She asks pointing at Harry like he's some evil creature.

Jerica nods. "He is."

"Poor kid." The nurse sighs. "Hope he turns out like you and not him." She says before walking out the door.

"What the fuck?" Harry says.

"Harry stop." Jerica says. "All the nurses here know of you is what they've seen for the past few days. Trust me, it hasn't been the best impression. You've been a major dick, so they're not going to like you. Please try and hold you temper, at least until we can flush your system completely free of those drugs." Jerica begs. "Unless you want to go back to taking them again when you get out of here. If so, tell me now, so I have time to leave before you kill one us in one of your drug induced rages." She adds as she wipes away a stray tear, then turns and looks out the window.

Louis walks into Harry's room to see Jerica looking out the window, and Harry looking pissed. "At it again?" Louis asks as he sits in the chair Jerica left vacant. "Thought I'd let you know, your druggie has been arrested." Louis tell Harry. "So you'll have to find your drug supply somewhere else. I also closed the London shop, temporarily. Just until I find someone to run it."

"I'll do it." Harry says. "I'll have no reason to fly back to the states right now." He says, causing Jerica to gasp.

Hearing what comes out of Harry's mouth after what Louis just told him makes Jerica gasp. Turning slowly, she looks at Louis not Harry. "I'm going home. I'll see you when you get there." She says, for once dry eyed, and walks out the door.

"Jeri!" Harry yells. "Wait, don't you dare leave."

"Give up, Harry. You lost her a long time ago." Louis says. "This last comment was just the final nail."

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