Chapter 16

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A few days later, Harry's finally getting used to seeing Jerica walk around naked, his phone rings. He and Jerica stop what they're doing and just look at each other, both dreading what they're about to hear.
Picking up his phone, Harry wraps his arm around Jerica, then answers it, putting it on speaker. "Yeah Lou, what's the news?"

"Peter was arrested this morning. Randy and his partner caught him trying to break into our tattoo shop." Louis says. "He thought it was Jeri's studio, but when our alarms went off he knew he'd gotten the wrong place."

"How could he mistake your shop for my studio?" Jerica asks. "I don't get it."

Louis laughs then. "Stupid ass, he looked in the door, saw the painting you gave us. He just assumed that was your place." Louis says. "Dumbass didn't even look around to see if there were any cops in the area. Randy said he and Dave sat across the street and just watched and waited until he got the door open before walking over and arresting him. So whenever you two want to come home, it should be safe. Peter and Jessi are both in jail now." Louis tells them.

"Okay, Lou, thanks. I guess we'll be home soon." Harry says looking down at Jerica, seeing the tears in her eyes.

"Yep, see ya soon." Louis says.

Harry tosses his phone onto their sleeping bag, and hugs Jerica to him. "It's okay, it's not like we can't come back here any time we want. You own this place."

"I know. It's just, alone here like this, the real world doesn't affect us. Once we go back there, there's always other people who are going to try and ruin what we have." Jerica whispers.

"We just have to promise each other we won't let outside forces come between us." Harry says. "Jeri, it's you I love. I don't care how many girls come in my shop to get tattoos done. I'll always come home to you, and I'd never cheat on you, I love you to much to hurt you in that way."

"I love you too. I just get scared sometimes, I don't mean to be so clingy." Jerica whispers.

"No, babe. Cling all you want. It's fine with me." Harry says. "Now you ready to pack this stuff up and go home?"

"Yeah I guess I am. It's a good thing Peter was caught when he was." Jerica laughs. "Much longer and we'd have been stuck here all winter, last year the lake froze solid." She says, laughing at the look on Harry's face.

"Now you tell me that. Woman, I'd have found a way out, even if I had walk 100 miles to do it." Harry laughs. "Trust me, I'm not eating fish for a while."

Jerica laughs before diving into the pool with Harry following. Once on the other side they both quickly change into dry clothes and make their way to their vehicles. "I'll see you at home." Jerica whispers, kissing Harry.

"Drive carefully. I'll be right behind you." Harry says, pulling her closer for another quick kiss.

Parking side by side in the underground garage, Harry and Jerica unload their vehicles and make their way to their floor.

"About time you got here." Louis says. "Wanted to make sure I caught you before going to work. Jeri, your new keys." Louis says handing her a new set of keys.

"New? And why won't the old ones work?" Jerica asks.

Louis holds up his phone. "One of the pictures I didn't send." He says. "Peter distroyed the other door, along with a few other things. Which I replaced already. Your place is as good as new, don't worry." Louis says quickly. "Come in when you feel like it." He says to Harry as he walks away.

Jerica opens her door and slowly walks in her condo and looks around. So far everything looks okay, nothing out of place. Then she walks into her room and gasps, she has a new bed, night stand, lamps. Everything in her room was brand new. Walking to the closet she throws it open to find it empty, there is a note taped to the door. Reading it, Jerica leans back against Harry, automatically knowing he's there.
"All my clothes were cut up and destroyed." She whispers. "This whole room was, I owe Louis so much for replacing all this."

"I doubt he'll let you pay him back, but you can try." Harry says. "Come on, I'm starving, we'll go eat somewhere then get you some more clothes. Not that I don't like you walking around nude, I don't want Lou walking in seeing you that way." Harry smirks.

After several hours of shopping, Jerica finally calls it quits. "Harry enough, I have plenty of clothes now. More than before." She laughs.

"Fine, but I still think that dress would have looked great on you." Harry whines as he holds the door to the shop open for her.

"Maybe so, but where would I have worn it? It was a formal evening gown Harry. I have no reason to own something that fancy." Jerica says, throwing her hands in the air.

Harry wraps his arms around her and starts dancing her around the tattoo shop, not caring about the customers watching them. He then leans down and whispers. "You could wear it while I'm doing this in our secret paradise right before I make love to you."

Jerica jerks her head back, looks at Harry for second, then grins. "I'll go buy it tomorrow." She says.

Harry throws his head back and laughs, picks Jerica up and spins her around. "God I love you woman." He smiles, the kisses her.

Louis just shakes his head and winks at Andi, knowing she's as happy for her friend as he is his.

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