Chapter 13

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Harry starts to roll over to get into a more comfortable position when a tug on his wrist stops him. Opening his eyes, he turns his head to see his hand tied to a bedrail, looking in the other direction he sees the same with the other hand. Frowning he looks around the room he's in, realizing he's in the hospital. Not understanding what the hell that's going on, he's just about to yell when Louis walks in.

"So you're finally awake." Louis says as he sits in a chair next to the bed.

"Why am I here? I thought I made it clear I didn't want to be put in the hospital." Harry says.

"Oh you did." Louis says as he leans forward, placing his elbows on his knees. "But after what happened when Andi and I got to Jeri's we decided this was the best place for you."

Harry tries to sit up hearing that. "What do you mean by that? What happened?" He asks.

Louis shakes his head. "I guess it's a good thing you don't remember. To bad Jeri can't." Louis says. "We haven't seen her since it happened."

"Lou? What the fuck are you talking about? How long have I been here? Where is Jeri?" Harry asks.

"Okay let's see, Andi and I went to see how you were doing. When we got to Jeri's, you were yelling at her, telling her how you didn't really like her, you were just acting like you did just to get her in bed, that was after you'd pushed her, knocking her to the floor." Louis says with a sigh. "She then slaps you and walks out. Of course you tried going after her. Saying you were going to beat the shit out of her for daring to put her hands on you. Andi called 911 because you were out of control.
Man those damn drugs fucked you up, that's why you're tied to your bed. You fought everyone trying to help you, tried to feel up or kiss every nurse that walked in this room." Louis says with a shake of his head. "That was 4 days ago, you finally passed out, I guess the drugs got to be to much for you. As for Jeri? I have no clue where she is, I've been here with you most the time. Andi and I went to the lake, looked around a bit, if she's there we didn't find her.
Karen, the doctor friend of hers, was actually the live-in nanny she hired when her parents were killed. We called her, she hasn't heard from Jeri since she told her how to make that drink to help you. So yeah, there you have it, now you know how you've lost your girlfriend, she may have forgiven you for the Jessi thing, but yelling, in her face, you don't like her, that you just paid attention to her so you could "fuck her tight little body" she may never forgive." Louis says calmer than he's feeling, yeah he knows Harry was drugged but he's still pissed.

Harry is stunned at everything Louis just told him, he remembers none of that. Why would he say things like that to Jeri when none of it is true? How could he say things like that to someone he loves. "I need to get out here. I have to find her, I have to make her understand that wasn't me, I didn't mean those things I said." Harry says. "God, Lou, I don't even remember saying those things you said I did. What the fuck was in that water?"

"I can answer that." Randy says as he walks in the room, Andi walking in behind him. "According to our lab, there was cocaine, LSD, several different types of crushed prescription drugs all mixed together. I believe that's why you had the reaction you did. The memory loss, anger, violent outbursts. It all fits with someone not used to taking drugs." Randy tells them all.

Harry shakes his head. "I have never taken drugs in my life, not even for a headache." He sighs. "Will someone please untie my hands, I doubt I'll go off the rails now, I'm sure the drugs are out of my system by now." He begs.

"I guess it's okay if we do that, if you promise not to leave here until the doctor here says it's okay." Louis says as he unties Harry wrists.

"Where am I going to go? You already said Jeri is gone, I have nowhere I need to be if she's not around." Harry whispers, thinking of the secret cave she showed him that day at the lake.

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