Chapter 2

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With a slight groan, Harry rolls over and grabs his phone. "Jesus, you do realize the time difference puts this call at 2am don't you?" He snaps as he sits up in his hotel bed.

"Oops. Sorry." Louis chuckles. "You don't have company do you?" He asks his long time friend.

"Hell no. I'm here to find us a place to open up as our next tattoo shop, Lou. I'm not looking to hook up with some random chic. If I was going to do that I'd have taken the real estate agent up on her offer when she damn near took her shirt off while showing me some of the worse places this city has to offer." Harry says.

"Really? Was she good looking?" Louis laughs.

"She was okay, but probably about 7 or 8 years older than us." Harry says. "That's not the point, I'm here for a reason. All I want to do is find a good place to set up shop, start making money here. Not fuck ever girl that throws herself at me in the process. You know damn well I'm not like that anymore." Harry says. "I want a meaningful relationship, someone I can see myself spending the rest of my life with."

"Yeah I know." Louis sighs. "Look the reason I called is to let you know everything has been ordered, all I need is the okay from and I'll have it shipped there, then I'll be on the next flight over."

"So everything there is taken care of? The shops are in order? Everyone knows what they need to do?" Harry asks. "I swear, if I start losing tons of money and have to fly all the way back home, I'll be cracking some skulls." Harry snaps.

"Don't worry Harry. Nick and Josh has everything under control." Louis says. "You just find us a place there to open up, don't worry about things here, it's fine."

"Ok, well then I'm going back to sleep." Harry says. "I have a new agent showing me a few more places in the morning. Now good night" Harry says as he hangs up.

Stepping out of the shower, Jerica dries off, then uses the towel to wipe the her mirror clean. Getting dressed, she towel dries her hair before looking in the now clear mirror. All her life she's heard people refer to her as beautiful, but all she sees is someone with too curly, too long hair. Odd colored eyes, that look slightly creepy, her lips were, to her just a little to plump and red. To Jerica her best feature was the cute dimples that appear when she smiles, which she doesn't do often anymore. With a shake of her head she walks out of the bathroom, grabs her bag, phone and keys, locks her door and makes her way to her car.
When Jerica gets to her destination she opens the door and walks down the familiar hall to her brother's room. Easing the door open, she walks in, seeing Timmy sitting in his wheelchair brings tears to her eyes. Sitting in a chair beside him, Jerica picks up his hand.
"Hey bubby, how you feeling today?" She whispers.

Timmy turns his head to look in the direction of the voice, trying to focus his milky white eyes on his beautiful sister. "I feel okay. Peter told me I could go outside today if you felt like going for a walk."

"Of course I do." Jerica says. "You want me to put your jacket on you?"

"Please? I don't want to get sick again. Peter wants to go with us, just in case." Timmy says.

"Okay, I'll call the front desk. Tell Peter what we're doing." Jerica whispers as she kisses Timmy's cheek. She knew it wouldn't take long for Peter to respond to her call, he kinda has made it known he likes her. But Jerica just isn't interested in him in that way, in fact she has yet to meet any man to make feel the desire to get to know them on a personal level.

Just as Peter pushes Timmy's chair outside he reaches out and grabs Jerica's hand. "Hey sis? Tell me about your latest painting. What does it look like? How much did this one sell for?" He asks.

Tears instantly spring to Jerica's eyes, she didn't have the heart to tell her brother she hasn't painted since the day he got hurt. "Hmm, let's see. This last one was of a lighthouse, I saw a guy the other day that reminded me of someone who looked like he would work in one. So that's what I painted." Jerica whispers.

"Has it sold?" Timmy asks.

"Yeah, a guy from Maine fell in love with it, he paid 13 million for it." Jerica says, not really lying, she did sell a painting of a lighthouse. It was just one of her older ones she's had in storage.

"I think I'm ready to go back, I'm getting tired." Timmy whispers as he squeezes his sister's hand.

Once they got back to Timmy's room, and put him back in bed, Jerica leans down and kisses his cheek. "I love you, Bubby." She says with tears on her cheeks.

"I love you to sis." Timmy replies. "Hey, Jeri? Will you promise me something?"

"Sure? What?" Jerica asks.

"When I'm gone, you'll find someone to love, have a family. I don't want you being alone. But don't pick Peter, he's not good enough for you." Timmy smiles.

"Oh Timmy, you're going to be here for a long time yet. So I have plenty of time to find my perfect mate." Jerica whispers. "And I won't pick Peter, he kinda creeps me out." She says causing Timmy to chuckle. "I'll see you in a few days."

Nodding, Timmy closes his eyes. "Drive safely." He mutters as he drifts off to sleep.

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