Chapter 19

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Harry rolls over the next morning, reaches for Jerica but finds the bed empty. Throwing the covers back he gets up, just as he's about to walk out the door he hears a noise in the bathroom, walking in that direction, Harry eases the door open to see Jerica kneeling beside the toilet.
"Oh babe." Harry whispers, kneeling down beside her.

Jerica shakes her head. "I was going to make you some breakfast. As soon as I stood up my head started spinning and I had to run in here instead."

Harry sets her on the bathroom counter, hands her the toothbrush her fixed. "Are you sure you don't want me to take you to see a doctor? You did this three times last night, now this morning?"

Jerica spits the toothpaste in the sink. "It's probably just something I ate, or a cold or something like that. Let's just give a few more days, if I don't get any better then I'll go."

Harry nods. "If you're sure, I just don't like seeing you like this." He says as he takes her hand and they walk into the livingroom to find Louis and Andi sitting on the sofa. "Morning." Harry chuckles as he wraps his arms around Jerica.

"What are you two doing here so early?" Jerica asks as she walks into the kitchen.

"Wanted to make sure everything was okay with you two." Louis says.

Jerica snorts. "If it wasn't Harry would have been over at your place instead of here."

"I don't know why he doesn't just move the rest of his stuff over here anyway." Andi laughs. "Most of it is here now as it is, hell he's here more than his own place."

Louis chuckles. "I agree, the other day we were all over there, we were getting ready to go out. Harry had to come over here to get the shoes he wanted to wear."

"Whatever." Harry grins, winking at Jerica as he hands her a glass of orange juice. "Now, cut the bullshit, and tell me why you're really here. I've known you all my life Lou, you don't get up this early just to make sure my relationships are back on track."

Louis laughs and leans back. "You're right, I don't, but I do get up to give a warning when it's needed. And this just might be a good time for one." He says.

Harry looks over at his long time friend, raises one eyebrow, then asks. "What did you do Lou?"

"Called Anne back after you left the shop yesterday." Louis admits.

"What! Why would you do that? We were planning on calling her this morning." Harry snaps.

"I didn't know that did I?" Louis says. "Besides, it's a good thing I did, she was already packing to fly here, she's bringing my family with her."

"All of them?" Harry asks, at Louis' nod Harry shakes his head. "You best be glad these condos have so many rooms, otherwise we'd never be able to fit everyone. What did you tell mom?" He asks pulling Jerica onto his lap as he sits in his favorite chair. "You feeling okay?" He whispers.

"Yeah, right now I'm fine." Jerica whispers back as she lays her head on Harry's shoulder.

"I basically told your mom everything. I told her about the shops opening, how we met Jeri, Timmy's funeral, you being drugged, Peter stalking Jeri, you two disappearing for a week, like I said everything." Louis shrugs.

Harry snorts. "I guess you even told her Jeri and I were sleeping together." He snaps, pulling her closer.

"Actually no, that's one thing we didn't really get into. Want to know why?" Louis snaps back. "I wasn't sure if that's what happens once you two are alone here, that's how I knew this relationship is different than the others in the past. You weren't bragging how quickly you were able to score, or how easy this girl is compared to the one you dated before. Geeze Harry, you haven't dated anyone in over a year, just because every girl you'd take out would get you in bed then beg to meet your mom.
I knew Jeri was different the minute we started talking to her. I was gearing up to do everything I could to get the two of you together if you didn't make a move on your own." Louis says.

Jerica sighs. "Well at least Harry can't claim I'm sleeping with him to meet his mom." Jerica says, as she pats his cheek, then kisses it. "I didn't know who his mom was until last night, and we've been sleeping together much longer than that." She smiles.

Harry grabs Jerica's hand and kisses it. "I would have never thought that of you even if you had known who my mom was, love."

So far Andi has kept quiet, just watching Harry and Jeri to see if they give off any indication on weather they've suspected she's pregnant or not, but when Jerica pats Harry's cheek and he kisses her hand, Andi couldn't help but notice the ring now on her finger that wasn't there the night before.
"Oh my God." Andi whispers. "You assholes, when we're you going to tell us you're engaged." She asks, walking over to them, hugging them both.

Harry chuckles as he hugs her back. "Sorry must have slipped our minds. I just asked her last night, and we weren't keeping from you. We just got distracted with this conversation and haven't got around to telling you yet."

Louis stands up and kisses Jerica's cheek, then hugs Harry. "Congratulations bro. I knew she was a keeper all along."

"So, Lou? When exactly is our moms due to arrive?" Harry asks as he hands Jerica her glass of orange juice.

"Is now to soon?" Anne asks from the open doorway.

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