Chapter 35

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Jerica places her paintbrush in the jar next to her, steps back, looks at the painting. Shrugging she pick up the can of quick dry, sprays it, then starts cleaning up. Jerica doesn't usually agree to paint pictures for other people, she paints what she wants when she wants. But, Jake called her told her about his sister, her son has stage four cancer, she wanted a painting of him done before losing so much weight and all his hair. After seeing the before and after pictures, Jerica agreed to do the painting if Wendy sent her one of her favorite pictures of her son.

Harry walks over to the studio, he's about to walk in when he sees Jerica spraying quick dry on her latest piece. When he gets a good look at this painting he can't help feel his heart skip a beat. Yeah its amazing, just like all her others, but it's of a guy and he has no clue who he is, and Jerica has told him she's never painted people unless they mean something to her.
"That looks almost like a photo." Harry says, trying not to show how upset he is. "I don't know how you do that."

Jerica shrugs. "Years of practice. I don't know." She says as she puts more of her things away. Suddenly there's a crash behind her, making her to spin around. What she sees causes her jaw to drop, Harry flipped over the table holding all her paint brushes, but just as he reaches for the painting she's just finished Jerica stops him. "Wait, don't you dare touch that." Jerica yells. "I've been working on that for a fucking week, to make sure I've gotten it perfect, I will not have you coming in her destroying it."

Harry turns and looks at Jerica. He then takes a step in her direction. "Who is he? You don't just paint random people Jeri, you told me that yourself. The people you paint have to mean something to you. So who is this guy? Some new rich bastard you're fucking? You want to get pregnant by this chump for his money since getting mine didn't work."

Jerica crosses her arms over her chest. "You know, any other time I'd slap you for that comment. But you're just not worth it anymore, not worth me getting angry, crying over, anything. I've tried being patient with you, understanding, I even tried to love you through all this. You're supposed to be off the drugs, but these mood swings tell me otherwise. I don't know if Louis missed any when he said you two flushed what you had, or if you've just scored some more. But I'm done Harry. I'm tired of you yelling at me for the least little thing, if we were a couple it would be one thing, it would give me a reason to break up with you. My God Harry, Timmy is almost two, and we stopped dating long before he was born. Enough, I'm so over all this." Jerica calmly says. "Oh and if you'd have been paying attention at dinner the other night, like you claimed you were, you'd know that's Jake's nephew. He has cancer, I painted that for Jake's sister so she'll have something to remember what her son looked like before the illness made him look like this." Jerica whispers as she places a picture in Harry's hand, of what the boy in the painting looks like now. She then picks up her things and walks out the door.

As Jerica walks out the door Harry looks down at the photos she put in his hand. He then looks up at the painting, the two look nothing alike, the guy in the photo has no hair, is so thin you could count his ribs, has dark circles under his eyes. The guy in the painting is healthy, has jet black hair, a nice tan. But even with the stark differences, Harry can tell it's the same guy. With a shake of his head Harry put the photo on the easel, he then walks back into the tattoo shop, once there he sees his mom holding Timmy.
"Mom, when did you get here?" He asks, glancing over at Jerica.

"Just walked in. But it seems like showing up to surprise people and visit my grandbaby is a bad idea." Anne says. "I'd have been better off calling and making an appointment or at least warning you guys I was coming so this trip isn't a wasted one."

Harry frowns. "What are you talking about? Why would this be a wasted trip?"

"Because from what I've just been told Jerica is leaving." Anne says. "Said she's going on vacation, her and Timmy."

"What?" Harry snaps, looking at Jerica. "How long have you been planning this without telling me? You planning on taking your newest boy toy with you? Lord knows you might need your fuck fix while you're gone." Harry says as he walks toward her.

"Whatever Harry." Jerica sighs, ignoring him the best she could. "Think what you want, you will anyway. It won't matter what I say. You'll just see whatever your drug induced mind wants you to see, then you'll start yelling and throwing things. Now if don't mind, I want to get my son away from you before you hurt him like you did me." Jerica says as she walks by Harry.

Harry is seeing red, he grabs Jerica's arm, shocking his mom and upsetting his son. He spins her around and slams her to the wall, he then, once again puts his hands around her neck. "You will not take my son from me." Harry growls as he starts choking Jerica.

Jerica grabs Harry's wrist, dug her thumb into one of the pressure points, steps under his arm, then flips him over her shoulder. "And I told you, you'll never touch me like that again. I've had enough Mr. Styles. Expect a restraining order soon." Jerica yells down at a surprised Harry. She then leans closer and delivers the final blow. "My son will never turn out like you, like you turned out to be just like your dad." Jerica says, then she walks over and takes Timmy from Anne and walks out.

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