Chapter 28

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Anne and Gemma walk into the tattoo shop only to come to a standstill, the yelling is so loud they're surprised they didn't hear it outside.

"How the fuck else am I supposed to give a back tattoo unless the client takes his shirt off." Jerica yells. "And don't you dare tell me to figure it out, not when you have women sitting in your chair daily with their shirts off, and you're doing tattoos on their breasts."

"At least my clients don't get worked up while I'm doing their tattoos." Harry yells back. "That fucking ass just walked out with a hard on."

"How the hell do you know? Women don't show when they're turned on like a guy does." Jerica says. "You have no clue what those women are thinking when you're done with them, but I have never accused you of rubbing the excess ink off them in a flirty manner. It was the guys fucking back, not his tits like you seem to love working on the most." Jerica yells as she spins around and slams into her studio.

"Fuck." Harry snaps as he throws his water bottle at the door Jerica just disappeared through.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Louis snaps from behind Anne.

"Nothing." Harry snaps. "Just my son's mom is trying to hook up with every single male client that walks in here just to piss me off. Hell I should have taken Nancy's receptionist up on her offer the other day. Jeri sure isn't giving any up at home." Harry says.

"Harry Edward." Anne gasp, looking toward the now open door between the studio and shop.

Harry looks over his shoulder to see Jerica standing in the doorway with Tim in her arms and tears on her cheeks. "Maybe you should have taken Cindy up on her offer. It doesn't look like you're ever going to change, it's been two months Harry, and this is the fourth time you've thrown in my face how many women have come on to you. How you should have slept with them, because I'm not giving you any." Jerica chokes out. "Well guess what? If this is what you call fixing yourself so we can be a couple again, you're wasting your money.
I want you packed and out of my house tonight, you'll never "get any" from me again." Jerica cries as she holds her son close. "Go find some of those other women to get your fuck fix, God I hate you." She sobs as she slams and locks the door. Jerica walks out the front door to her studio, locks it, put Tim in his carseat, then drives to the airport. Hell she's rich, she'll buy what she needs for her and her son when she got to where she's going. Just as she's boarding her plane, Jerica send a quick text to Andi letting her know what she doing, not where she's going.

Andi looks down at her phone when she feels it vibrate in her pocket, with Louis and Harry yelling at each other there's no way anyone would hear their phone ring. Seeing she's gotten a text she reads it. Placing her hand on her large belly, Andi sits on the sofa and starts crying.

"Andi? What is it?" Louis says when he sees his wife crying.

"She's gone." Andi cries as she puts her head on Lou's shoulder. "Her plane just took off."

Harry's eyes widen. "What? She took my son from me? She can't do that." He yells.

"But it's okay if Jeri leaves? As long as she leaves Tim?" Andi yells. "Now why the fuck would she do something as stupid as that? Especially when all it seems like you want to do is go out and fuck every single girl over 21 in this town."

Harry looks at Andi. "There are things called babysitters, sister, hell if they're old enough I might fuck them to." Harry snaps back. The next thing he knows he's on the floor, and Louis is standing over him.

Hearing such a disqusting thing come out of Harry's mouth, Louis loses it. He balls up his fist, and for the first time ever, he hits his best friend, knocking his ass to the floor. "You son of a bitch. Don't you ever say something like that again, my God, man I'm glad Jeri got away from you and took Tim. You don't deserve a woman as great as her. Go spew your ugliness somewhere else, we don't need to be contaminated anymore than we already have been." Louis growls. "I'd swear you have to taking drugs, your acting the same as you did when Jessi drugged your ass, if not worse." Louis yells.

When Gemma sees Harry pale she knows then Louis is right. "Oh my God, Harry. Why?" Gemma cries. "Why would you do this now when you never have before? And you saw how you reacted to the drugs that bitch gave you?"

"Because I like the way they make me feel, so leave me the fuck alone." Harry says.

"Oh you like the fact that you've turned into an abusive jerk, who has ran off not only the woman he claims to love but his child also?" Anne snaps. "Tell me this son? Have you cheated on that wonderful girl?" She asks.

Harry snorts, then grins. "Maybe, a few times. Hell a guy has needs." He says just as Louis punches him again. "What the fuck, I'm joking. Hell no I didn't cheat on her. Jesus, stop hitting me. Fuck give me some credit, I was living with Jeri, I wouldn't do that, I'm not dad." Harry yells as tears stream down his cheeks.

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