Chapter 47

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The room was so quiet, it was like everyone was waiting for something major to happen. Just as Harry's about to reach out and touch Jerica's cheek, Genna opens her eyes. When her green eyes meet Harry's matching ones she gasp, which seems to echo throughout the room. Genna then reaches up and touches Harry's outstretched hand.
"You're my daddy." She whispers as she wraps her fingers around one of his. "Mommy hung a picture of you in my room." Genna says.

Harry bows his head and starts crying, he moves his hand to his mouth and kisses his daughter's small hand. "I am your daddy." Harry whispers. "I've come to try and talk your mommy into coming home."

Genna shakes her head. "I've don't think she'll do that." She says, then she leans forward and whispers loudly. "Mommy doesn't like your wife, she says mean things about us on TV."

Harry's surprised to hear that, Karen is right, he needs to watch the news more often. "Mommy doesn't have to worry about her, I'm not married to her anymore." Harry whispers back just as loudly.

"When?" Jerica whispers so softly Harry almost didn't hear her.

His gaze jerks in her direction to find her eyes on him. "Jeri." Harry sighs. "It was finalized today, I started the procedure the day after I found out what she did." He tells her.

Jerica frowns. "What did she do?"

"She pulled a Jessi and drugged me, after having her brother tie me down until after my rage subsided, she had her uncle marry us." Harry tells her. "Naturally I didn't remember any of it because I passed out soon after, her uncle thought I was drunk off my ass. When I came to and realized what happened I left, went to see my lawyer, he started the divorce proceedings right away. When we told the judge what happened, and that I never slept with her, he granted the divorce and said she had to pay me ten million for drugging me and forcing me into an illegal marriage." Harry explains.

"Oh, it was just announced she's having to put her modeling career on hold due to being pregnant. We heard it not ten minutes ago." Jerica whispers.

"Well if she is, it's not mine. Jeri I promise, I've never touched her." Harry says. "I wouldn't do that, in fact I can't. I'd feel like I'd be cheating on you, and I won't do that to you. Ever." Harry whispers as tears fills his eyes.

"Dad? You're on TV." Timmy says as he grabs the remote and turns up the volume.

Everyone was into the room and stands behind the sofa, Harry picks Jeri up, sits down and places her in his lap, pulling Genna close to them.
"This just in, sources close to the popular tattoo artist Harry Styles says the rumors that his wife Rhea West being pregnant are false, in fact, Amanda was told that Harry and Rhea are no longer even married. That their divorce was deemed final as of today, and that charges will be brought up against Rhea West for the illegal use of an unlawful drug on Harry in order to force him into an illegal marriage. Sources say she has been detained by New York officials due to these accusations. We will report more when we receive it."

"Well shit." Louis says. "So much for keeping that quiet."

"Jeff tends to have a big mouth." Harry says. "He probably heard her shit about being pregnant and this is his retaliation."

"Shouldn't he have asked you first?" Jerica asks.

"Yeah. But right now I don't care. She's getting what she deserves." Harry says with a shrug. "Now let's talk about something more important." Harry says, looking down at Jerica.

"Like what?" Jerica asks.

"You and our kids going back home so we can start getting you healthy." Harry says. "At this point in time Genna weighs more than you do, Jeri."

"Oh bullshit. I'll have you know I weigh at least ten pounds more than she does." Jerica says.

"That's not funny Jeri." Harry whispers.

"I'm not trying to be. But I eat, I don't have a clue why I'm losing so much weight." Jeri says.

"Fine." Harry says standing up. "I'm taking you to the hospital, we'll find out why that way." He says as he walks toward the door. "Kids make sure you stay with me or Karen at all times, or Aunt Andi and Uncle Lou, Genna, Timmy will introduce you to them, he knows them well." Harry says as he sets Jerica in the car. Once at the hospital, Harry carries Jerica, gives the nurse all the information needed then goes to where the rest of the family is to sit and wait. As soon as Harry sits down, with Jerica in his lap, Genna climbs into Jerica's lap. Harry smiles and wraps his arms around them both. Minutes later a nurse steps out and calls Jerica back.
"Baby, go to Aunt Andi so we can get mommy checked out." Harry whispers to Genna.

"Yes sir." Genna says kissing both his and Jerica's cheek.

"God you're so amazing." Harry mutters as he carries Jerica to a room in the back.

"I didn't do anything." Jerica whispers back.

"No love. I didn't do anything, you raised two of the best kids I've ever seen by yourself." Harry says. An hour later Harry walks out into the waiting room with tears in his eyes. He sits down in an empty chair and picks his daughter up and puts her in his lap. "Okay, you'll be able to go see mommy in a minute. But first I'm going to tell you what's wrong with her." Harry says. "Mommy has cancer, now the doctors say they can treat it, but they also agree the doctors in New York would be better. So she's going to stay here tonight and we'll take her home tomorrow."

No one said a word except Timmy. "What type of cancer?"

"It's in her stomach, that's why she's lost so much weight. With a little radiation to shrink it and surgery to remove it she'll be fine." Harry says.

"Then I guess we need to take mommy home daddy." Genna says.

"Yeah, we do baby." Harry says as he stands and motions for everyone to follow him.

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