1k special

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Thanks for 1k!!! Me and my friends are on a group chat freaking out. I never thought my story would get so many views and thank you for that! So let's continue with the character Q&A! 


Nicky's Q&A

Thoughts on Tyler?: 

He's a complete asshole and I fucking hate his Irish guts. That's not racist. 

Can you do the splits?: 

I'm getting closer and closer but not yet. 

When do you think you'll get married?: 

I'm going to die old and alone. 

Do you think that Blake is hot?: 

Well he's not ugly, but He's not really hot. 

Do you have feelings for Jake?

Well he's my friend so I have some feelings for him, but only in a friendly way

Do you have feelings for Blake? 

Fuck no! He's my friend that's all! 

Did you know that Jake and Blake rhyme?: 

Yeah I just figured that out. 

How do you deal with criticism? 

I just kind of ignore it then think about it when I'm depressed. 

Who would you say is your role model?: 

Josh dun.

Are you a virgin?

Nope that's been gone for a long time. 


Maya's Q&A 

What is it like to love squirrels? 

Squirrels are the most beautiful thing ever! So pretty amazing!

Did you forget to tie your shoes? 

No I don't think so, I'm just to lazy to tie them so I ask other people. 

Do you still like Travis?:

Well he really pissed me off because he hit Tyler. So no. If he left.... I'm not sure.

Are you still a virgin?


What is your favorite summer activity?


Do you still watch cartoons?: 

Hell yeah! 

If you could have lunch with one person who would it be?: 

Fucking Tyler Joseph! Is that even a question?

Are you a good cook? 

I'm better than anyone in this house. 

What is the name of your last pet? 

I had a dog named Daisy. But I count this little kitten we found, his name is nugget. 

What is your least favorite type of music?

Country music. 


Pipers Q&A 

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