Weird Rooms Again!

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heyya everyone! like i promised :) i have uploaded sooner, this is dedicated to jamila1989 because shes awesome :P hope you like this, this chapter should answer a few earlier questions you asked :) you no the drill VOTE, FAN, COMMENT :) thankyouu xx

ENJOY! :D with love! :)  


I didn’t straightened up since the parting wound they had left me with still sent pain running through me like marathon runners, to the point where I wanted scream out in pain. I turned to see ‘Harry’ the boy I'd helped in that chamber, standing next to me, his eyes focused on the snake. “Leave him” I recognized Harry say to the snake, it looked at him for a second before ignoring him and turning back to the student who it planned on attacking. Stubborn animal!

He said Leave him! Obey us!” I hissed harshly, commanding the snake to listen to me. The snake baring it's teeth in response then turned to look at me and… bowed? Gasps and whispering from the students filled the room. "Arghhhhhh" I cried when I tried to stand up properly, I kept my hand on where I had been stabbed to try and prevent from losing so much blood, at this point almost every eye in the room stared at me. My attention, however, had remained on the snake, which having noticed the distraction now suddenly tried to attack a young boy.

“Oh no you don’t!” Quickly putting a force field between the boy and the snake, I used a levitating spell Kenza had taught me, to throw the snake up in the air before doing the wand movement required (without a wand) and yelling clearly “Finite Incantartum” with that the snake disappeared.

The whole room was silent. “I think from now on I should just become a friggin’ ninja” I turned and said casually to Harry. “What do you think?” but instead of answering my question he changed the subject. Rudeness.


“Are you okay? You’re bleeding,” asked Harry with worry in his voice. As he mentioned this a whole new wave of pain shoot through me, causing my knees to give in, luckily Harry caught me.

“Aghh! Its…just…a…scratch” I spoke, breathing heavily. Looking up, I recognized the man in the black robes with long black greasy hair and hawk nose from the last time I was here, as he walked towards me; shock and concern etched clearly on his face. I held up my free hand to stop him. With a last quick glance at Harry, I shut my eyes and forced all my concentration on somehow getting myself to ‘St.Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries’.

Almost instantly I felt the swirling in my stomach, the feeling of being pulled through a tube and my body leaving the ground. A minute later I felt myself collapse on the ground, forcing myself to open my eyes as my strength began to leave me again. My body struggled to handle my new injury as it drained me of stamina, I almost didn’t notice how noisy the room was; I saw a healer hurry towards me and bend down, gently removing my hand from the wound.

“We need more healers here NOW! I need something to stop this bleeding, immediately!” I heard the healer call; the last thing I saw before passing out was the arrival of more healers…

*                           *                            *                              *

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