The Guards of Azkaban

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The next morning, after sadly parting ways with Kenza, I skull about by myself for a bit before eventually deciding it was early enough to make my way to King's Cross. Since it was still early, I hailed down a muggle cab, knowing it would take ages to get through London traffic, and I wasn't wrong. By the time I'm pulling my trunk out of the boot, two dark cars pull up and I automatically duck to avoid being seen by the unmissable Weasley twins who are the first out of the second car. "Are you still sulking about the Robyn girl?" Goads Fred, (I think, given the question).

"Give over, Fred." Returns George scowling, following as the luggage which had been loaded onto trolleys, is wheeled into station by the drivers. I briefly consider pranking him, but I'm interrupted by my own driver.

"Any thing else Ma'am?" Asks the taxi driver impatiently. I shake my head, pay him and quickly load my own baggage onto the trolley as the taxi speeds away. Hurrying into King's Cross, I try to locate the red-hair of the Weasley at a distance, since I had no idea how to get onto the platform for Hogwarts, but I'd lost them. For a minute, I feel panicked since the train would be leaving in twenty minutes.

Once between platforms nine and ten, I follow some people hurried, unsuspecting first years with their parents and do a double take as I watch them walk through a wall. I facepalm, I should've gone to Specsavers. Then again, a couple more older looking students come along and pretend their leaning against the wall until they disappear, so I wasn't bonkers. Obviously, I must have to walk through the wall to get onto the platform, how silly of me not to realise. I can do that, not a problem; of course, I can walk through walls. Not. A. Problem. 

With some trepidation, I make my way towards the wall and mimicked what I'd seen the older students do and I'm surprised to find myself on a new platform in front of a hulking great red train. Without time to spend gawking, I just catch a glance of Harry at the other end of the platform speaking to whom I assume is Weasley senior, before quickly loading my things onto the train. I eventually take a seat with two girls. "Do you mind if I join you?"

"Not at all," smiles the girl nearest me. "I'm Necessity, but you can call me Ness. I'm a first year, you?" She offers me her hand and we shake. How very formal. The other girl makes no effort to make conversation and instead never lifts her eyes from the magazine she's reading. Anti-social much?

"Robyn, call me what you like. I'm heading into third year." I take a seat next to her. "So, which house are you hoping to be in?" Ness was quite sweet looking, she has a round face, light eyes and dark hair and I had to guess her to be probably a couple inches shorter than me. 

"Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, although as long as its not Slytherin, I'm not really fussed. What house are you in?" She asks.

"I'm not at the moment." Her eyebrows shoot up with her increased curiosity. 

"How is that even possible?" She asks dramatically. And just like that, I knew we were going to be friends. The other girl in the carriage appeared to be asleep so I didn't mind telling Ness all about the journey that lead me to Hogwarts, though I neglected to mention my weird connection to Harry. I didn't think it relevant and it wasn't something I'd ever share with anyone but Dumbledore. "That's so crazy! So which house do you think you'll be in?" 

"Erm-" I go to answer but are then interrupted by a face I hated seeing. Juice Face Boy, AKA Malfoy, with his brainless followers. He took one look down he long nose at us, sneered and left. Like I'd leave it at that. "Excuse me, Ness." Following Juice Face boy down the corridor, I muttered a spell under my breath that put roller blades on his feet and sent him zooming down the corridor like the worst uncoordinated figure skater you'd ever since. His screaming ensured that he had an audience, and I laughed along with them. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2019 ⏰

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