Inside the Chamber of Secrets

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Staring, transfixed in shock, I watch as the mouth of a massive, monkey- like faced statue located at the end of the chamber opens; from within the depths of the mini black-hole created, something stirs. My stomach knots so tightly, I feel as though I'm about to throw up. Harry's backed against the wall, his eyes shut tightly while the beautiful bird on his shoulder takes flight; a great invisible weight suddenly crashes down on my shoulders, forcing my eyes closed as darkness swallows me and traps me in my own mind. I'm aware of my body giving way and collapsing, at the same time I distantly hear whatever had stirred hit the chamber floor.

Powerless in the confines of my mind, something strange begins to happen; against my skin, my locket warms and though my body has fainted, my locket guardians are guiding my body into performing unfamiliar magic, all the while emergence of a sixth sense gives me knowledge of what's happening without me seeing it...The giant serpent is uncoiling and moving towards Harry on the order 'Kill him', I recognize the voice as that of the snake-like boy from the memory I'd been pulled into by Harry. Harry had started running blindly sideways, my stomach swirled as my unconscious form apparates to in front of him just as he trips. The snake lunched but caught the protective forcefield put between us and it by my locket guiders instead, throwing me backwards into Harry as we go smashing into the wall.

Something about the mad and angry hissing of the beast and its apparent thrashing seemed to release the weight of my unconsciousness, heavily I open my eyes marginally; the bright, poisonous green, tree-trunk like enormous snake was snapping furiously at the fire coloured bird which had been on Harry's shoulder minutes earlier. The bird dived, sinking out of sight while a bloody shower began to rain down onto the floor; from the snake's thrashing, its spitting agony became clear when it's huge headed turned to look directly at's eyes had been punctured . Now confused, the deadly serpent swayed as the bird continued to jab here and there, all the while singing its eerie and strangely mournful song. Transfixed by the monstrous creature, I almost didn't catch Harry muttering 'Help me, help me, someone, anyone!'

Almost instinctively, an uncontrollable urge surged my hand , and I raised it as if to slap the snakes tail but mid air I hit a forceful wall. The serpent's tail abruptly whipped across the floor again as I did this, sweeping some kind of hat into Harry's arms, which he immediately jams on his head, at the same time as we both duck to avoid another swing of it's tail. A sharp pain at the top of my head had me looking over at Harry's dazed face, puzzled, as he took the hat off and magically pulled a gleaming silver sword with a ruby encrusted handle. Snake boy was talking again, "Kill the boy! Leave the bird! The boy is behind you! Sniff - smell him!" In a moment of disorientating movement, the serpent was lunging at Harry, mouth open wide enough to swallow him whole, Harry dodges the first time, the second time he's ready with the sword grasped tightly in both hands. I wanted desperately to help Harry but my legs just wouldn't move and then the warmth from my locket was back, he can do this, reassured one of my locket people although I knew not which one.

My scream, as the snake lunged again directly at Harry this time, was silent - catching in my throat and choking me. Despite the sword now lodged in the roof of the serpent's mouth and the huge beast keeling over dead and twitching slightly, a searing pain starting just above my elbow made me aware of the venomous fang sticking out of Harry's arm and poisoning us both. The weight of unconsciousness threatened to take me again but I refuse to let it take reign until I knew Harry was alright; a whirl of scarlet flew past us as the bird returns lay its sorrowful head on the place where the fang had been. Warmth, reassurance and palpable relief resound through my body and now I knew Harry would be OK, so ignoring what the snake boy was saying, I crawl past them and the huge dead snake to instead make sure Harry's friend's sister, Ginny, was still alive.

In spite of the fogginess clouding and swimming around my mind, echoing effects from the serpent venom no doubt, all I could think of as I listened to the snake-like boy talk to Harry was that this kid really seemed to like the sound of his own voice... Like seriously, I could fall asleep listening to him, "Lord Voldemort got you in the end, as you knew he must," blah, blah, blah. As Mr 'I love my own voice' continued, the cloudiness started to clear and my focus came back just as I reached Ginny's side.

Her heartbeat was thready, her skin marble white and ice cold, she was barely breathing - on the very brink of death. My skin prickled uneasily and nausea bubbled in stomach; I turn my eyes to Harry who'd had a small black diary dropped into his lap by the bird and abruptly plunged a fang into the heart of the book. A long, shattering scream pierced the deathly chamber and from the back, the Riddle boy started writhing and twisting before completely disappearing. A moan sounded from Ginny as she stirred and sat up, I put my hand on her back to steady her."Easy," I murmur cautiously. Her eyes immediately go to Harry, soaked in blood and ink, sword, hat and diary in hands and I suddenly have the urge to laugh at how this must look to her.

"Harry - oh, Harry - I tried to tell you at b-breakfast, but I c-couldn't say it in front of Percy. It was me, Harry- but I - I s-swear I d-didn't mean to - R-Riddle made me, he t-took me over - and - how did you kill that - that thing? W-where's Riddle? The last thing I r-remember is him coming out the diary of the dairy -"

Holding up the diary with the hole in it, Harry tells her "Riddle's finished. Look! Him and the Basilisk. C'mon, Ginny, let's get out of here -" I rub my temple as Ginny starts weeping at the idea of being expelled as Harry helps her awkwardly to her feet. I feel like a ghost watching them, and then remember that I'm still covered by my own invisibility spell, which would explain why they hadn't noticed me - I decide to leave it that way. I listen silently, trailing behind them as we all leave the chamber; I accompany them back to the wall of fallen rock and once through, the locket warmth returns. Sweetheart, you can leave them now - they are safe and will return as such. Immediately I was reluctant, doubting how four people were suppose to get back up that massive tube. The Phoenix shall carry them, you must trust us. It is better that you return to Professor Dumbledore and reassure him that all is well. I sigh, unable to deny the strength of the feelings they were in-sighting, and they had given me no reason to doubt them - upon my acceptance, the whirling nausea took on a different purpose as I spun on my feet, landing once again in Professor M's office.

Undoing my invisibility spell, a red-haired women lets out a frightened shriek at my sudden appearance, drawing all eyes to me but I look straight at Dumbledory whose eyebrow is raised quizzically. I nod to answer his silent question, his eyes lighten and by the slight movement of his beard, he was giving me a small smile. Without warning I'm pulled into an off guard hug by hyperventilating Professor M before being released and inspected. A knock at the door distracts everyone and its pushed open to reveal Harry, Ron, Ginny and that ridiculous teacher, Lockhart. I back myself into a corner of the room, out of sight of everyone and slide down the wall in exhaustion and relief.

Everyone was safe; Hogwarts wouldn't have to close... At least that's what I was thinking until Malfoy senior later invades our haven.


Hey everyone! I've got maybe one more chapter to write on this which is set in the second book and I can't tell you how excited I am to start writing based in the third book! :D

COMMENTS & VOTES please! Both are always appreciated.

Next Upload = *Thursday 6th August

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